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I've already started to run into some issues.

1. Pidgin is stuck on "away" for status with a txt box at the bottom. Can't change it and I can't uninstall it. It comes back saying its being used by other applications.

2. the "unlock" screen that comes up when you press the power botton to unlock changed colour and the circle became a big square. also the time on it is much bigger text.

3. the application manager also changed colour for me. Its not greyish....almost white...but it was blue.

Any ideas
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Originally Posted by babilonian View Post
I've already started to run into some issues.

1. Pidgin is stuck on "away" for status with a txt box at the bottom. Can't change it and I can't uninstall it. It comes back saying its being used by other applications.

2. the "unlock" screen that comes up when you press the power botton to unlock changed colour and the circle became a big square. also the time on it is much bigger text.

3. the application manager also changed colour for me. Its not greyish....almost white...but it was blue.

Any ideas
I know this to sound so cliche but,have you tried rebooting the device? If it won't reboot then as last ditch you can pull the battery (try doing that on a fruit phone!).

You don't mention if you havemany other software from testing repositories installed: could there be a conflict?
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hey all love this phone

error in calender

there is no every fornight need this for pay day events he he

where do we log these?
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Posts: 780 | Thanked: 855 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Helsinki, Finland
Originally Posted by babilonian View Post
2. the "unlock" screen that comes up when you press the power botton to unlock changed colour and the circle became a big square. also the time on it is much bigger text.

3. the application manager also changed colour for me. Its not greyish....almost white...but it was blue.
It's a theme, expect theme to change stuff. If you don't like it, don't complain.

Last edited by joppu; 2010-01-06 at 13:22.

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