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I'm getting a weird application manager issue where every application shows up as being over 20mb, this size also appears in the application details and has been happening for over a week now. However when I actually goto download and install the application the true download size shows in the download process bar.

I've tried doing a refresh and restarting but the issue is still there, has anyone else experienced this or knows of a way to clear the issue?

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Are you sure the repositories actually get downloaded? Do you have new applications every day or two? You might have a connection issue so a bug persists.

Also, restarts with battery pull in between solves more than restarts.

Oh, and, full rootfs might also hold you from downloading. Any space left?

(terminal, type "df -h", look for rootfs (/))
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Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Yeah the repositories get downloaded everytime I go into the app manager as I've been getting the update alerts in the status bar and I've been seeing new app's appearing.

I've tried restarting with the battery out and Ive got 26mb left in rootfs so that cant be the issue :/

Is the application list cached in the filesystem somewhere and can it be delete to see if this solves the issue?

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