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Originally Posted by schettj View Post
Dude... thats the 2nd gen hardware and third (or 6th, depending on how you count) gen software for the iPhone.

If you had bought the 1st gen iphone on day 1, you would wait 6 months for your first significant update, and 18 months for your first non-Apple app.

So seriously, go make a snowman or something
No need to be so nasty whenever "iPhone" is mentioned.
Nokia has a lot to learn from "iPhone" and Apple if they want to continue to be a leader.

Also, N900 isn't Nokia's 1st gen phone imo.

They've had plenty of experience. (previous OS2006-2008 also) Hence they did an overhaul for Maemo5 and will again for Maemo 6. Just coz it's the 1st phone with Maemo5 (an most likely the LAST), it shouldn't be just work-in-progress or some half-arsed phone when released. (I'm not saying that N900 is "that" bad but it not too far from the truth either) If that was the case with iphone, it wouldn't have taken off as well as it did. They just knew what the general public wanted.

N900 is for the geeks / developers. Period. Yes, it's not too difficult to use, but my wife reckons it's too confusing still. Same for my mum, dad and my non-IT friends. It's just not as "simple" as the iphone or even Symbian phones. Hopefully Maemo6 will cater for both. (well, personally, I don't care if it doesn't cater for everyone. I prefer it more geeky. Geekier, the better. )

back on topic,

I would love for Nokia to share a bit more with us. Without us here, they are not going to succeed in making a better maemo phone. (Right now, we are like an extra 100000 workers for Nokia basically... ) We want it better as much as Nokia wants it better. So share some inside info, release nightly builds of new firmware etc. (we do for our apps, why can't firmwares be released like this also? Just put some big RED warning and a disclaimer. Easy.)

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Originally Posted by mysticrokks View Post
thanks for the info- i checked his profile. his last post was in nov 2009- before the product was even out- the ***** hits the fan on realese and this marketing man hasnt come back to face the consequences- i think the lad was saying that the nokias are out and ovi store is about to be open;;; lol

and yes i know about he the bug fixes- but we have no idea which ones are gonna be dealt with and we dont know officially from nokia when or if they will happen.
Last Activity: Today 01:22 AM

Last post: 12-11-09, 04:46 AM Regarding OVI store.

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Originally Posted by unkno View Post
Last Activity: Today 01:22 AM

Last post: 12-11-09, 04:46 AM Regarding OVI store.

yep thats the one i read- but thought it was november- got to get used to the diffent date format.

ok it was the 11 of december i presume- still along way ago- considering he used to post alot more- average of 1 every 4 days- he hasnt posted for a month
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Maybe he should apologize for having a life during a holiday season?
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Originally Posted by Lacedaemon View Post
Maybe he should apologize for having a life during a holiday season?
no nokia should apoligise for the lack of feedback.

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^ i totally agree, holiday season or not feedback is still necessary
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If I were Nokia, I wouldn't talk quite yet... why?

Because the pending update isn't out yet, people are frothing at the mouth over various things... I'd settle the "low-hanging fruit" items first and then address the people in an orderly way.

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Lack of communication is the worst you can do.

You will lose customers / potential customers left right and center while staying quiet.

Just saying, "we are now targetting for the new firmware to come out by end of Jan and expect some nice surprises" would actually sell more N900's. Giving hope, as proven by many types of religions, can do a world of good.

Last edited by jakiman; 2010-01-09 at 02:00.

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what i am bothered most about is knowing if the reboot issue is gonna be resolved- and what will happen if it isnt!

this is something nokia should be announcing.

Nokia representatives have mentioned the temp fix for users that have rebooting machines-- but how long is tempoary, we need to know that if it does take 10 months to fix it, can we get an exchange anytime b4, if its not fixed can we get a replacement.

what i have heard is that people are having problems getting exchange phones- to be honest i am not sure why- but its happening. if we send these units back under warranty- what are they gonna do- are they gonna just reflash our devices with power mode off at 0, and send them back.

this fix is not good enough - all though my machine works ok, my battery isnt usable all day. its a shame.

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I must be lucky. Both of N900 I got has never rebooted or locked up.
Even with tons of devel apps installed.

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