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Posts: 96 | Thanked: 23 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Sweden
Hi Guys,
I have been an menber of this boards since September 09, I am one of the unlucky few to have a N900 in my hands since a couple of wks but cannot use due the that I have a SIM card from Hutchinson 3 in Sweden.

Nokia did mention that the new major up-date was going to be a Christmas present, but still a no show.

anyway, even though I think I am a pretty tech savvy user using my trusty old N95 for almost everything, SIP, Wlan router, iPod-Streaming Music, Cam corder replacement, Bluetooth stereo, push email, skype....

I have loved the promised N900 features but I always thought that the N900 was a bit bulky especially heavy.

I have also seen that there are some issues with top priority stuff like email and video rec, and I do like to be able to operate my device with one hand.

and since a while back even though I have a brand new N900 ( unusable) device next to ne, I have started to fall off the "N900 wagon".
and looking at the new SE Experia X10, it do like the form factor, BUT what will be the downsides ?
I undertstand that Android is not an open source OS, but I am no coder and can only use ready made programs, however I do think this Maemo community is wonderful with tons of people contribute fantastic things...

you guys that understand all this OS stuff better what will I miss out of going to SE X10 and Android ?
And PLEASE Nokia and N900 fanboys try to be a bit a bit objective...if your salary check does not come from them
Will the N900 be the loooooooong awaited replacement for my old N95 1st Gen ?
Capt'n Corrupt's Avatar
Posts: 3,524 | Thanked: 2,958 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Delta Quadrant
I'm not an N900 fanboy by any stretch, but as I understand it, android is pretty weak on VoIP as it is. Of course if you're using closed apps like Fring, Skype, Google Talk, or the upcoming Gizmo, you may be ok (can someone confirm this?). The open sipdroid app suffers from a lack of features.

Android is an open source OS, though it ships with its fair share of closed components (google apps to name a few). However, there are downloadable open apps, and the ability to automate tasks with via scripting.

The X10 looks like a nice piece of hardware. The only worry that I have is that it has enough proprietary components that may make OS updates slow in coming and at the whim of SE. Case in point, it's shipping with Android 1.6. This is purely guess work, but something a little more vanilla like the G1 or N1 are likely to receive OS updates very soon after release.

Other than that, it looks like a GREAT handset. It may be a little costly (I seem to recall unlocked version for ~$800), but the form factor and the camera are really quite impressive.

Posts: 96 | Thanked: 23 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Sweden
Thank you Capt'n you seem to have your eyes on the "ball"
I did some research and it seems like all you say above is true except that the X10 is supposed to ship with Android 2.0 and really cannot see why Skype would not come soon for Andiod.
however the Deep Skype integration on N900 is something I know I would love as communication is my blood line entertainment functions like Video is only a plus.
what also worries me is that SE have laid off a lot of people, so it seems like they will depend on outsources Dev people.
and that compared to this community is a HUGE difference.
BUT I have to say that 135grams and iPhone form factor, Hi-res Cam corder really looks interesting. price is of no issue as I use it these devices as an important work tool.
thank you for your open minded answer.
Will the N900 be the loooooooong awaited replacement for my old N95 1st Gen ?

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Posts: 278 | Thanked: 209 times | Joined on Dec 2009
No. not the X10. SE has great hardware, but their software interface skins are pretty bad. I've owned an X1. I had to flash it with a custome ROM to make it operate at respectable smoothness.

If you dump the n900, you have to go with Nexus One, HTC HD2 or iPhone 3GS.

Or wait for somthing better,
Posts: 589 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ london
this has to be the best built phone bar any- but if iwas going for android id go for the nexus 1- the stock android looks better than the sony added UI..

but corso i reakon this sony will fly- its got a snap dragon processor and the android underneath will be nothing like the winmo u are used to

Last edited by mysticrokks; 2010-01-10 at 10:11.
Posts: 367 | Thanked: 176 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Well, you've got a wait and see situation here. Maybe you can "live" with the N900 until the X10 will get its first firmware update (which will hopefully come sooner than the N900's counterpart ) to see how much support it will recieve from SE, and if they will actually upgrade to Android 2.x as they seem to have promised somewhere (?).

The N900 should support 3 SIM-cards anytime soon, and the N900 might be upgraded again by then as well. The silence from Nokia is not a good impression though.
Posts: 65 | Thanked: 50 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Eugene, Or
It is worthy to note that the last few SE phones have been buggy as heck and a huge letdown.
Posts: 96 | Thanked: 23 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Sweden
I do agree with that waiting to see if SE have changed the customer attitude when it comes to SW up-grades and bug fixing.
however I do have a dilemma....I can return my N900 and get full re-fund from Nokia ( as they still have not provided a solution to the SIM card bug.
even though it is a work tool I cannot buy 2 devices within a year, and I am not so sure about the N900 resell value.

so please continue to give me some "feeling & facts" on the N900 VS X10 battle
Will the N900 be the loooooooong awaited replacement for my old N95 1st Gen ?
Capt'n Corrupt's Avatar
Posts: 3,524 | Thanked: 2,958 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Delta Quadrant
I think the X10 is a promising looking device but it's hard to speculate on exactly what it'll be like until a solid hands-on is done. Sometimes small quirks that weren't considered are enough of a turn-off to dismiss a product. While the X10 looks really good on paper, it may suffer from these quirks.

Case in point, I'm really looking forward to the Nexus One (N1), but it's a shame that it has poor VoIP support as one user has commented. I never thought that this would be an issue after loving every other aspect of the system, but it's significant enough for me to take a wait-and-see stance.

Perhaps a good strategy would be to sell your N900 (Canadians would pay a premium to get their hands on this, even if it was 'box-open'), and you'd at least have lost no money in the transaction. Then you can wait for the X10, test it, and if you like it, buy it, or re-purchase the N900. It's a lot of work, but at least you won't end up losing cash and will end up with a product that you like.

If I were to speculate: assuming that there are no annoying system quirks, the 8MP camera is a compelling option to own this unit. The photo quality is likely going to be very good, and it'll have all of the other benefits (or shortcomings) of an android phone.

My only gripes are the OS customization, the lack of screen resolution, and the speculated price (I recall reading ~$800 but I could be wrong). If these three 'issues' were resolved, I would jump at this phone. Again, this assumes that there's nothing else quirky about it.

Posts: 323 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on Jan 2010
i was undecided on the x10 or n900 too cuz the x10 looks amazing as far as design but it lacks the physical keyboard so n900 wins for me

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