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Sadavyk's Avatar
Posts: 225 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ some where on earth
Okay my motorola vx3 yes not cutting it, bluetooth connection sucks so i'm looking for something better stronger and a lot faster. I'm looking at a few phones I need some help from you guys, I my service currently is T-mobile and we know which has no 3g, Sprint has IP-830W by samsung and it has EVDO network which looks really good. T-mobile has the Dash which has GPRS/EDGE and wi-fi which makes me wonder can I connect via blue tooth when I'm useing wi-fi?. Cingular has the Black Berry 8800 but I'm not a CrackBerry fan but I need to keep my n800 powered up to the web.The reason I'm lost is because my old phones where all unlock't, any tips will be helpful..
histrel's Avatar
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Can't go wrong with a Nokia. I have the N80 and have had no problems. I'm upgrading to the N95 when my contract's due but I'm on 02. Not sure what's on offer with t-mobile. Happy hunting...
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Histrel - O2 are about to announce new tarrifs in May and the leaked info so far suggests their data tarrifs are still a joke - £3 for 2mb or £5 for 4mb - so if you intend to surf the web with your N800 you're better off with T-Mobile Web'n'Walk+ £12.50 for 3GB, or regular Web'n'Walk £7.50 for 1GB (as long as you don't get caught using WnW with tethered - rumour is T-Mobile are clamping down on their T&Cs).

You may be able to get yourself a better data offer from O2 Retentions when/if you ask for your PAC code - worth a shot.

I'm thinking about getting the N95 on T-Mobile myself (switching from O2) however there are plenty of complaints about the N95 firmware quality (GPS is _really_ slow - 20 minutes to get a lock - and calls interrupted etc., battery life isn't good either) and build quality (slide is poor). New N95 firmware is due in the next few days though which may improve the software situation.

Generally I would recommend Nokia phones for use with the N800 though.
sapporobaby's Avatar
Posts: 355 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Helsinki, Finland
You might want to look at the E-61 from Nokia. I have one and it works perfectly with the N800. The N95 is not bad, as they have ALREADY released new firmware for it that is supposed to make it better than when it was first released.

There is very little that can be done about the GPS though as they did not use the better chipset. Nokia did not use the: SiRF StarIII which is the best, but for a device with an integrated GPS, and all it does, it is still not bad.

Good luck.
"Einstein was right. " "Einstein was probably one of them" - Close Encounters of the Third Kind......
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Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post
The N95 is not bad, as they have ALREADY released new firmware for it that is supposed to make it better than when it was first released.
There is no new firmware available for download on the Nokia Software Updater service - the latest available firmware is still the original v10.0.018 15-03-07 firmware. A photo is floating around the web of new N95 firmware (Spanish apparently) but nobody knows for sure what, if anything, the new firmware fixes or improves.

The latest reported firmware is v11.0.026, build date 17-04-07 which will hopefully be released "real soon now" and fix all the problems (except maybe the slide!)

I agree there is probably little that can be done about the GPS, but we'll know for sure when the new firmware becomes available - a few software tweaks may help improve lock-on times (20 minutes is attrocious) but certainly won't make it into a great GPS. Improving the call handling would help make it a decent phone though.

Anyway sorry for going OT, but no new firmware yet. If you know a source though...

EDIT: Actually I've just checked the (possible) source article for the new firmware rumour, and it appears that new firmware has only been sighted on a Nokia employees N95 phone...

Last edited by Milhouse; 2007-04-29 at 18:04.
sapporobaby's Avatar
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Could be true about the software. I got the info from: I will call a friend that works at Nokia to see if anything is coming down the pike.

Either way, I am going to get it. The GPS is nice but I have a Garmin GPS Map 60 CSx so I am not really concerned. I guess the licensing fees would have driven up the costs if Nokia had gone for the better chip set.
"Einstein was right. " "Einstein was probably one of them" - Close Encounters of the Third Kind......
Sadavyk's Avatar
Posts: 225 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ some where on earth
Thanks guys on the info I think i will stick with Nokia But theres one thing I have an e61, A few weeks back I notice my e61 freezing? Its an unlock version seems it was made for the middle east the help desk at Nokia said so, I have 3 languages to choose from English, French and Hebrew the device was wonderful, But one day instead of saying t-mobile as my service it said 3g I did a hard reset I have the latest firmware and we all know t-mobile don't have 3g so I'm out of luck no warranty. Do anyone have a list of U.S.A models from Nokia I can take a look at. I do have my eye on the n95 but I really want to wait for the e90 I can't afford to buy both so I'm looking for something under $400 for now...
sapporobaby's Avatar
Posts: 355 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Helsinki, Finland
Hey Sadavyk,

I have a ME (Middle Eastern) version E61. I got mine in Kuwait. The freezing thing is a bit strange. Mine has only hung every once in a great while. Have you upgraded the software via the Nokia site?
"Einstein was right. " "Einstein was probably one of them" - Close Encounters of the Third Kind......
iball's Avatar
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Make sure you're only using one (GSM) or the other (UMTS).
I've noticed lockups in my N80 before when having both enabled here in Kuwait.
I have mine set to use GSM-only since I don't have a data plan here.
ANd it's MTC-Vodaphone and they suck. I'd much rather be on Wataniya since they provide better data services plans.
sapporobaby's Avatar
Posts: 355 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Helsinki, Finland
Originally Posted by iball View Post
Make sure you're only using one (GSM) or the other (UMTS).
I've noticed lockups in my N80 before when having both enabled here in Kuwait.
I have mine set to use GSM-only since I don't have a data plan here.
ANd it's MTC-Vodaphone and they suck. I'd much rather be on Wataniya since they provide better data services plans.

Good point. Wataniya's data plan is better. The CEO is a buddy of mine. He used to be the CEO here in FInland of Sonera. Are you still in Kuwait? I am trying to get back down there.
"Einstein was right. " "Einstein was probably one of them" - Close Encounters of the Third Kind......

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