
Thread Tools
rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
New version 0.7

Source and install files available from website

Normal Operations

Directly import foreign POI files. Currently tomtom (.ov2), garmin_poi(.cvs), geo(.loc), gpx (.gpx) but any format supported by gpsbabel easily corporated. Converts 'on the fly' to gpx, inserting category into the gpx if not all ready there. Saves in <filename>.gpx without the category also in <filename>_MM.gpx with category inserted into gpx.

Installs and uses gpsbabel and sqlite3. ( executables in application path, dlls in winsys )

Uses a unique index to avoid possibility of duplicates. ( could previously load the same poifile twice)

Database operations

Add a new POI
Delete selected POI
Display all POI
Display all POI in category
Delete all POI
Delete all POI in category

Add a new category
Delete selected category ( only if no POI in category )
Display all categories
Edit category description

Export POI in category to GPX file with category in 'sym' tags. ( <category>.gpx )

Export full db to GPX with categories in 'sym' tags ( <DBDump>.gpx )

From the file menu

Database Operations
Create new default MM poi.db
Call gpsbabelgui

From Help menu

Help screen
About screen
Posts: 245 | Thanked: 25 times | Joined on Apr 2007
On a number of the csv files from GPSPassion Forums, I get "Run-Time Error '380': Invalid property value" from poi loader. They should be garmin_poi files, and many seem to work, but not all - to my untrained eye, they look the same. Specifically, the target stores GPX doesn't work, and radio shack stores CSV doesn't work.
rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
Thanks for the bug report.

Could you PM me samples ? I have tested numerous garmin csv files and not had this error.
I will investigate as soon as I can reproduce the problem.


Last edited by rcull; 2007-07-14 at 14:23.
rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
Anyone with this problem.
I will publish a new version with fix ( and the horrible "&quot;" that gpsbabel exports ) but for now the fix is simple ( dumb coding ) I'm deciding on the filetype by extension but just in lower case. Rename files .csv instead of .CSV etc. then it should work

rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
New version 0.7.5
Bug fixes + new livery
also will use unicsv if proper header present when csv input file specified

kempja's Avatar
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ UK
This is great, but I get a 'run time error76'; I suspect it is somthing to do with the .lib file that i can't find? I had to download sqlite3.exe and load it in the temp location too...

Any ideas


Last edited by kempja; 2007-05-04 at 15:10.
rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
Could you clarify. there are no .lib files in the distribution - do you mean .dll?
there are dlls for both sqlite3 and gpsbabel but they should all be installed in system32. the sqlite3.exe and gpsbabel.exes being installed in Poi_loaders installation directory.

Also at what stage do you get the error?

kempja's Avatar
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ UK
There no sqlite.exe or gpsbabel in the Poi_loader directory; I had to download sqlite3 of the net. This is version 0.6; should I try 0.75 that I've just seen on your site!

rcull's Avatar
Posts: 299 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Wales UK
Its only since version 0.7 that gpsbabel and sqlite3 were added to the package.

kempja's Avatar
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ UK
Brilliant, working well on 0.75- thanks Mate!

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