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whizerd's Avatar
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2007
Hi All-

Anyone as frustrated as I am (almost to the point of returning my N800), with Nokia's "Out of Stock" TATOO ;-) . . .re; their GPS ?

It's been more than a month since they emailed me stating that supplies would be on the shelves soon. I've seen the Nokia Euro GPS, how ever have not read good stuff regarding that and the maps for the US.

My Garmin Nuvi takes care of the Nav issue these days, but I would just like to have the part meant for the part, if you know what I mean.

Also, has anybody found a hardcase for the N800? My wife's pretty pissed at me for screwing up a few of her cases her perscription glasses came in, trying to get a fit.

Well thanks to all of you here. . .if you are new...keep looking here for answers as they are a lot of folks who are kind enough to assist. Don't get discouraged by the replies you get from the people who treat you like you belong to the double-digit IQ club.

Look forward to hearing from those of you who have solutions to the hardcase and GPS issues.

Mahalo's and Aloha!
Posts: 333 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Got a earthmate bluelogger myself but it doesn't work too well with maemo mapper so I've given up on that. Waiting for navicore also. They emailed me and said that it would be ready by april. Looks like that didn't happen and I specifically asked them about US maps.

Street atlas which came with my bluelogger was disappointing also on a laptop.

I bought a Garmin from Costco, wasn't that cheap of a model but still had bad maps. It sucked too so I took it back.

Nothing beats the gps I got on my car. It's 2001 model, acura. Seem to have very good map on a DVD. Good POI too, just type in a phone number of a location and it takes you there. It's not a sirf III or anything but it suppose to have a gyroscope that keeps track when sattelite signals are weak. Why can't they make something that good these days.

I just want one for the N800 so I can take it when I drive my girlfriend's car. She doesn't have a gps.

Hard case...maybe a nintendo DS case works best. I've seen a lot of them, nothing I like yet though.
Nokia 770/1gig sandisk
Nokia N800 2gig Kingston/1gig sandisk
"less is like more but better"
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Otterbox Model 2000.
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on May 2007 @ Pennsylvania
I just checked today and you can buy the gps kit from now. It is $249 US.

The case I'm looking at is this one

I however can not vouch for it's quality since I haven't bought it yet.

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