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because there all apple addicts.
Same here in The Netherlands.
Its always Iphone this and Iphone that. Nice application here and there, but for the iphone.

Owning an apple is like having a religioun and you don't talk about other religions.
That is why i buy nokia beter or not then apple i dont care.
(n900 is far better dan iphone )
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Gerbick, I think he was referring to product placement. Nokia is all over movies, including those made in the US. It's been to the point of embarassment in fact... the "Transformers" placement and dialog was just idiotic IMO. Same for "Confessions of a Shopaholic" where the protagonist meets a Nokia executive. Geez, just zoom in on a phone logo once in a while and let it go at that.
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Originally Posted by DaveP1 View Post
Dapper Although Not Readily Apparent in Mostly Obscured Snapshot
Hey, not bad... but you FAIL! I give you an "F-" for failure to pay attention in class.. as it was directed at Fargus! Still, nice effort.. ok, I'll make it only just an "F" then.

Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
-Cars: I am hard pressed to come up with any modern automobile produced within the past 5 years that can be accurately identified as a product of one particular country... Buick's made in China, Volkswagens made in Brazil?
Yanno--I just brought that point up to my brother today in a completely different conversation, but it's true. US automakers are mainly building their cars in Mexico while, ironically, the Japanese automakers are mainly building their cars in domestic markets where they're being sold (ie: I can buy a US-made Japanese car but I'm hard pressed to find a US-made US car). This is getting annoying, really. :P

Originally Posted by TomJ View Post
Where's the intake? It looks as if when you fire that up, every loose item in the vehicle will FOD the engine or the windows will implode...
When I saw the pictures, I initially thought someone made a bong out of a New Beetle.

Originally Posted by Thor View Post
Seeing as we're off-topic, that was Transformers: The Movie. I think it's from 1986/7... a great story if you followed them as a kid. I used to get the comics and remember seeing that, though I think it came to the UK late.
I named my primary media (HTPC) Linux box here, "Unicron" > Love the old G1 movie!

Originally Posted by acou View Post
I agree that Nokia didn't make the transition from "cuboid" like Sony or Microsoft to "spherical" like Google or Apple yet. But unlike Microsoft, i believe Nokia still does well and has the potential to make it. Ovi / Maemo may play a key role here, or at least be a step in the right direction, but without proper internal restructuring, which i hope has already begun, i see dark clouds emerging.
Ooooo! Ouch! Did you really mean Ovi? I mean, from what I've seen of it... if Ovi is playing a key role in pulling Nokia out of its currently self-parodying stature, it might just manage to do that at the expense of making it undesirable.

Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Gerbick, I think he was referring to product placement. Nokia is all over movies, including those made in the US. It's been to the point of embarassment in fact... the "Transformers" placement and dialog was just idiotic IMO. Same for "Confessions of a Shopaholic" where the protagonist meets a Nokia executive. Geez, just zoom in on a phone logo once in a while and let it go at that.
You should rent the 'Josie and the *****cats' movie, Texrat. For some reason, I think you would thoroughly enjoy it. heheh

Edit: Really? That gets censored? WTF? Here's the IMDB page on the censored title.. and I roll my eyes.

Last edited by danramos; 2010-01-17 at 08:57.
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Speaking about advertising and addressing just to the EU guys, do you have nokia adverts on tv or in the city?

I don't, the only adverts I see about nokia are made by the carriers that usually showcase the cheapest models from 3 different brands and their "never-seen-before" offer that let's you get them for free.

Other than that I only remember having seen sony W800i years ago and samsung Omnia HD. Both had one commercial that was displayed as rare as possible.

Other than that I'd prefer nokia investing in technology and R&D than advertising in 1000 televisions around the world.

Yes, I do realise people are like sheep and the more it's advertised the more they'll buy...
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Originally Posted by Bec View Post
Other than that I'd prefer nokia investing in technology and R&D than advertising in 1000 televisions around the world.
I hear ya, except you could have the best tech in the world but if nobody knows about your product, well...

When I worked for Nokia I always got the impression that executive management expected devices to sell themselves. "if you build it they will come". Yeah, that works for hardcore devotees, but we started losing return customers at an alarming rate and it looks like no one ever connected the dots...
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I hear ya, except you could have the best tech in the world but if nobody knows about your product, well...

When I worked for Nokia I always got the impression that executive management expected devices to sell themselves. "if you build it they will come". Yeah, that works for hardcore devotees, but we started losing return customers at an alarming rate and it looks like no one ever connected the dots...
agreed when i show people my n900 theyre allways amazed. this on t-mobile how come they dnt advertise it.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Gerbick, I think he was referring to product placement. Nokia is all over movies, including those made in the US. It's been to the point of embarassment in fact... the "Transformers" placement and dialog was just idiotic IMO. Same for "Confessions of a Shopaholic" where the protagonist meets a Nokia executive. Geez, just zoom in on a phone logo once in a while and let it go at that.
Product placement in movies has never swayed me, really. I think the only thing I've ever done what was influenced by a movie... I found a way to spring load my Nokia 7190.

My 8860 and 8890 were not influenced by any movie. I saw them in a store, got 'em.

But I understand what he meant more clearly now. Thanks.
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Originally Posted by DaveP1 View Post
I don't think so. Take the following quote: "If the FCC and legislators did their damned jobs, we'd have an open market in the US and not be locked into this criminal mess."

The FCC gave the US a far more open market than the Europeans have. You can not only choose different phones with different features, you can choose different carrier technologies. If you think CDMA is a better technology than GSM, you can choose to go that way. You can choose 2, 2.5, 3, or 4G data networks depending on your phone, your location, and your carrier.

The FCC deliberately chose to allow this openness. But this openness has a price and that price is lack of interoperability.
You're conflating the US with free, open markets. They are not free, but are oligopolies, with phone, cable, and media companies in bed with the FCC. "Free markets" and "deregulation" are doublespeak terms that even opponents of ruthless corporations buy into.

Nokia did the right thing by not playing games for special treatment. (Imagine them asking for bailouts like the other corporate pussies.) Unfortunately most Americans have too low an attention span to care, hence they get themselves stuck with their current predicament.
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To be honest, it is good for Nokia that press doesn't notice N900 yet. Because the press coverage could be mostly negative

On NA smartphone market today there are some critical apps sectors which MUST work flawlessly in smartphone - phone, notes, video, sms/mms and e-mail.

From this list the only phone+SMS works fine and notes... well, in this section I may be a little overreacting because I need hierarchical note keeper hard.

But problems with video, and especially intermittent problems doesn't pay in Nokia favor. And of course, absense of MMS also isn't good.

As for e-mails. Well it workED fine. Since upgrade to 51.1 many people experiences a problem with WiFi and MfE and I personally problem with connection to Yahoo! Mail via WiFi (I am still debugging it yet, to find out the difference with TMo connection).
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Gerbick, I think he was referring to product placement. Nokia is all over movies, including those made in the US. It's been to the point of embarassment in fact... the "Transformers" placement and dialog was just idiotic IMO. Same for "Confessions of a Shopaholic" where the protagonist meets a Nokia executive. Geez, just zoom in on a phone logo once in a while and let it go at that.
The Matrix, however, was superb for Nokia. Certainly in the UK I saw loads of the spring-loaded slider phones, the number of which escapes me as they were near universally refered to a "Matrix phones".
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