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Imo the camera on this is really poo. Is anyone else getting like blue streaks down their images?

And is there anyway to turn on some kind of image stabaliser because to get a crystal clear image im finding a real pain!

I came from a SE C902 and the cybershot on that i found was amazing, 10x better than the experience i'm having with my N900!

Sorry for the rant lol!

Here's a smile!

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I aint getting blue streaks, but my pictures are generally very noise!!
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In my experience, any 5MP camera takes shitty pictures at night.

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In my experience, any camera without a tripod takes shitty pictures at night. But seriously, the OP is probably referring to the blue haze problem. As for noise, set ISO to 100 and boost exposure. You can make decent photos at night that way.
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Originally Posted by maluka View Post
In my experience, any 5MP camera takes shitty pictures at night.
Or rather, any small-sensor, small aperture camera takes shitty pictures in low-light.

Megapixels is only a small part of the equation. Sensor pixel size and aperture are more important factors, since they directly affect how much light a given sensor pixel receives in a given amount of time, all else being equal.

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the camera works fine for me

that was taken in the dark so i dont have any issuse with it
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You might like to see that other people have done pretty well with it.

There may be a problem with your camera - but my experience is that a lot can be improved by improving the operator skills. MY own photos have improved considerably.

The n900 doesn't have the fancy software of the SE phones (I had a c905 last) but the Zeiss lens is a big step up.
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Posts: 41 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Yea i think i'm refering to the blue haze. Just looks terrible lol! I'll post up a pic i've taken on here when i get home!
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if you want to show photos u took with the n9000 you better edit the contrast and brightness and hopefully that will be less embarrasing when people look at your camera pics

you can tweak and tweak all week till you cant speak and your n900 photos will stil be weak!!!!
this camera is trash and nokia wont lift a finger to change it cause it would be too expensive to come up with some kinda hardware change for every one who brought one
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So my wife is way into photography, me not so much, and it seems that she can take amazing pictures. But when I pick up her Nikon D200 I still take crap pictures. Sometimes it's what's behind the camera that determines the quality.

I don't have an n900 but I can only imagine that the camera is worlds better than my n800 or n810.

n900 is poo

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