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oooOOoo.. i like the ideal of another version of the n900. I'm sure if nokia did make one if would also look different also. n93/n93i, e61/e61i, and etc.
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Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
needs a 12mp camera
How about 8mpix and bigger sensor and better image processing and optics?

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aironeous's Avatar
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The N900 is made for people below 6'1" tall.

Short and medium sized people are the most vocal and scream the loudest and try to over-compete with tall people.

They are the ones acting like "super adults" putting all the reviews on the internet and getting all the attention and making as many comments as they possibly can saying "it is not small enough" because of that and because of also average male height of people is around 5'7" (except for the Dutch it is 6'1") the N900 like most other devices is designed for small and medium sized people.

Tall people=bigger body, bigger fingers, bigger pockets

There is a good social and profitable reason to make a "tall people version" (of course you can't call it that, you have to imply it) of every phone/device that Nokia makes.

For example N900 gets dpad, compass, bigger screen, better specs, and bigger keyboard with missing symbols = N905 $50 higher MSRP

Tall people will accept paying higher price especially if it is more comfortable and better specs. They already pay higher for food, clothes lots of things.

It would be a win win situation for Nokia as they would

1) explicitly make the device for bigger people they can remove themselves from all of these short super adults that make the "it's too big" comments.
OMFG I'm getting sick of that short people brainwash that makes me use tiny screens and tiny keyboards.

2) Most male guys that are short will buy it anyways just to prove they are not short/small and to keep an eye on what tall people do/have.
The urge to over compete with tall people is so strong never underestimate it. It is to the point of obsession. You put a NBA player with a big Nokia device on TV commercial 80% of short guys will buy it.

N900 should have N905

When Maemo 6 comes out

N910 should have N915

For high end devices there should be a bigger better specs version.

I'm 6'1" the keyboard is too small and missing dpad and symbols example %><
Pisses me off.
Lots of guys bigger than me too.

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Originally Posted by schettj View Post
Industry trend -> no buttons at all, or one button. Thanks Apple

People's desire -> hard buttons for common functions/things you need to do without looking


Much Sadness.
So true Why cant people think for themselves. Now if Nokia made a winning combination of touch/physical buttons maybe things would be different. Thats the thing, gaming on the iphone is admittedly great because of the developers BUT using the touchscreen in place of buttons is in NO WAY comparable to physical buttons - and its so easily implementable.

Part of the reason Nokia went wrong with Ngage was that they tried to cater to their whole range of handsets. ie games would almost only use the keypad, and not a dpad/buttons (on N95/N81/N96 etc). gaming on a keypad is never really going to be the most pleasurable/easy experience. The same kind of goes for touchscreen (albeit less of an issue). If a proper Dpad/button combo phone were brought out with games given the option to use such buttons - I bet that phone would sell like hotcakes. (ignoring aesthetics) Imagine the iphone with a small dpad/gaming buttons - simply awesome.

Originally Posted by aironeous View Post

Lots of guys bigger than me too.
You want a BIGGER N900!? Im 6' 3" and I find it a bit of a brick Make it thinner I say, but I get your point about size of keyboard/lack of dpad, however there is a playoff and the keypad is pretty good imo.

Last edited by chrisp7; 2010-01-21 at 18:36.
casper27's Avatar
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D-Pad needs to be on the left, its more natural that way. Also add a digital compass and ir Rx.
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My ideas...
1. Digital Compass (no not the crappy one on N97).
2. More RAM ~512-1024MB
3. Outside accessible µSD slot.
4. Keyboard with a D-Pad and number row (at least 4 rows).
5. USB OTG!!

Wishful thinking section
1. Higher capacity battery, at current thickness or less.
2. Resistive Multitouch

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Only (minor-ish) hardware changes I could really ask for would be:

1. Sturdier microUSB female port mounting
2. More Battery Capacity
3. More RAM (Never hurts to have more RAM)
4. D-Pad
5. Digital Compass

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Left side keyboards buttons (shift, func, ctrl) should be shifted to left for more convenient press of letters Q,A,Z. It would be nice just do it longer.

More root FS, please !!! It is more urgent then RAM.

EDIT: and VIDEO PHONE, please!
Texrat's Avatar
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I like the idea (I'm not sweating the "ugliness" of the mockup and think such a sentiment is silly).

But then, I'm biased:
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Just a n900 with physical call and end keys like the n97. There seems to be a bit of wasted space below the screen.

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