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Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ ATX
Hi Everyone,

I've had my n800 for a while and love it more every day that passes.
I'm on t-mobile and use the $5 tzones (tmobileweb?) to connect the internet. This has worked flawlessly for about a month, I could do everything I wanted and connect to gtalk.

For the past week, however, I have been unable to connect to gtalk (not even temporarily) and gmail notifier does not work either. I can still surf the web and have access to all the websites I used in the past.

And everything works normally when I'm at home on wifi. So I'm wondering what is happening and if this is the signal for me to switch to Edge. I really want to stay with t-mobile because i have a great voice plan that is no longer part of their offerings.

Any help/advice would be very appreciated.
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2007
The $5 GPRS plan from T-Mobile can, and sometimes is, quite restrictive. Typically, not all the ports needed for internet access are open, though at various times in the past couple of years they have been. For truly flawless access, the easy thing would be to use the TMobile WIFI/GPRS plan, which, while expensive at $39/month, would actually be cool with the N800, since you could surf at any TMobile hotspot, and use the GPRS connection through your phone the rest of the time. TMobile has no limits on how connections are used or what devices you need. In fact, any unlocked gsm cell phone that supports Edge and the 1900mhz gsm band will work on TMobile in the US.

I was just in Europe, and I took the N800 and my TMobile SDA, which is setup for bluetooth DUN. I was able to surf at Edge speeds in a number of places using the SDA has the modem. Of course data roaming is pretty expensive, and I ran up a $199 bill in a week! But, it did work.

I also use my Treo 680 as a wireless modem. I have to say that once you figure out the nuances of the N800 and its connectivity settings, it works very well. What I don't know if if you can surf using a bluetooth modem and also have a bluetooth keyboard connected.

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