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Can someone help me to understand why I got «UNKNOWN APPLICATION»?
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Posts: 44 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Nov 2009
probably because *21# doesn't usually do anything on it's own.. what are you trying to do?

"unknown application" is the network's reply.
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2010
*21# is the Call Forwarding code for Fido in Canada.

See «How do I Call Forward my phone?» on this link:
Posts: 254 | Thanked: 122 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by jgarneau View Post
Can someone help me to understand why I got «UNKNOWN APPLICATION»?
Try changing language. Instead 15 in at+cusd... command use another value, here is a table (numbers are binary, you should convert them to decimal):
Bits 3..0 indicate the language:
0000 German
0001 English
0010 Italian
0011 French
0100 Spanish
0101 Dutch
0110 Swedish
0111 Danish
1000 Portuguese
1001 Finnish
1010 Norwegian
1011 Greek
1100 Turkish
1101..1110 Reserved for European languages
1111 Language unspecified
This functionality would be included in next release.
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Originally Posted by jgarneau View Post
*21# is the Call Forwarding code for Fido in Canada.

See «How do I Call Forward my phone?» on this link:
but as I said, that doesn't do anything on it's own unless the network has a saved number for that specific divert which isn't usually the case.

the syntax is *21*number# to enable and #21# to disable, not *21#...

Last edited by nintendogs; 2010-01-29 at 10:20. Reason: clarified a little
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New version available.
* Fixed buf with \n in reply
* Fixed bug with = in configs
* Customizable font
* Customizable colors
* Names for widgets
* You can select reply language (is supported by operator)

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Very good job! I found some minor issues after testing:

Initial text is „Click to update“. It stays after setting up the name. Good thing is that it will be replaced after restart. That was a bit annoying before - I had to press each USSD command to get names. Maybe this is not bad idea to put this text as default name.

It shows status (Processing/Error) after name. Currently I have to add extra space after name. Maybe you can add hyphen between them. I would prefer if the name is replaced with status or result for few seconds, so I don’t have to reserve extra room for expanding. I hope you can implement a message box also in future. After that it will be perfect.
Posts: 11 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by Marshall Banana View Post
First a warning:
The software you want to install is not ready for end users and it is even not yet in extras-devel. Please read this first:
Seriously: don't send users out of Extras without a big warning

There are two applications for ussd:
ussd-widget: A widget on your homescreen. You can use to display your account balance for example.
ussd-pad: An application with a dialpad. You can enter an ussd-code and see the result

First you need to be root to use dpkg to install the .debs you download from, so you have to install rootsh form the maemo extras repository.

Install ussd-pad:

Go to and download the .debs for ussd-common, pexpect and ussd-pad and save them in your Documents folder

Open x-term and type:
sudo gainroot
cd MyDocs/.documents
dpkg -i pexpect_2.3.0-1_all.deb
dpkg -i ussd-common_0.0.1-0_all.deb
dpkg -i ussd-pad_2010.01.07_armel.deb
You can use the tab button or press ctrl+i to autocomplete directorys and filenames.

Now you can try the ussd-pad application. It might not work if the answer from your provider contains non-ascii characters (like öäü), in this case you can try this: is in /usr/bin. Danger! Shoddy programming!

Install ussd-widget:

Go to and download the .debs for ussd-common, pexpect and ussd-widget and save them in your Documents folder. If you installed ussd-pad before you dont need to install ussd-common and pexpect again.

ussd-widget needs two dependencies to work: python-hildondesktop and hildon-desktop-python-loader. They are in the maemo extras repository.
Open x-term and type (you can use tab to autocomplete the filenames:
sudo gainroot
cd MyDocs/.documents
apt-get install python-hildondesktop
apt-get install hildon-desktop-python-loader
dpkg -i pexpect_2.3.0-1_all.deb
dpkg -i ussd-common_0.0.1-0_all.deb
dpkg -i ussd-widget_0.0.4-0_all.deb
Now a widget on your desktop appears, configure it with an ussd-code. Mine shows my account balance.

do i have to use the pad? what if i don't want it?
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Posts: 94 | Thanked: 209 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Germany
Originally Posted by shamoni8 View Post
do i have to use the pad? what if i don't want it?
No you dont need to install ussd-pad if you don't need it.

Ussd-widget is in extras-devel now, so you just need to add the extras-devel repository and after that you can install ussd-widget with the Application Manager.

dial, dialing, lack of phone features, lack of quality control, sms, telephony, ussd

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