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Can you use a printer with N800? Thanks in advance, Derrick
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on May 2007 @ Wimer, Oregon
At the moment, in general, no, the N800 doesn't support printing.
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I compiled and installed cups and ghostscript and esp, but I can not make it work. If anyone knows cups inside and out, I am sure its just a matter of configuration files being out of whack. Its just one of the many things I had trouble with when moving from scratchbox into the real deal. If you were to install the KDE356 tar then run cupds from the command line. You will then be able to access the cups webpage from localhost:631.

If is anyone else willing to try to figure it out, it would be the pretty sweet. You can also configure the printer from inside KDE, I think you will still have to start the cups daemon from command line.

The error I can not get past is

Unsupported format application/postscript

This support is on the device, so either there is a config file missing, or something is pointing to the wrong location, or #^%#$ I dont know, I spent a few days on this trying to be the first one to print from a n800, but I had stuff to do, so I leave it up to the community if anyone can figure it out.

Please let me know how to make it work, if you figure it out

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