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Has anyone attempted to try and convert the Neptune plugin into the N800 to allow ActiveX controls to run? Or anyone know how I can get them to work in the N800?
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Originally Posted by negen View Post
Has anyone attempted to try and convert the Neptune plugin into the N800 to allow ActiveX controls to run? Or anyone know how I can get them to work in the N800?
Won't work. That plugin needs un underlying Windows OS. At one time a company (Software AG) had a set of DCOM/ActiveX controls available for Linux, but that was only for x86 processors.

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Well I guess im back at square one then :-(.. Proprietary controls suck.
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ActiveX is proprietary MS thing, in general you can expect them to work only
- Under Windows OSes only and
- On x86 only and
- In IE and derivatives only
So, it will work when you're running 32-bit x86 windows and using IE.Everything else is not guaranteed at very least(yes, majority of activex controls will fail to display even on WinMobile handhelds).Do you prefer x64?Or maybe Linux?Wanna run Firefox?Or maybe Opera fan?MS not cares, they care only one thing, their income.That's why proprietary technologies suxx - you're completely depend on one vendor and one technology and vendor can abuse this fact a lot.
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There doesn't seem to be much ActiveX-dependency out there, fortunately. Most of the world seems to understand the non-portability of this (which is good, but surprising). In fact, the only ActiveX I've run into is Windows Update and for downloading certain stuff from the MS download site. And, possibly, one ebook site I had some trouble with (never could download what I had paid for, thinking back the symptoms were the same as when you try to download from MS on a non-IE/non-Windows browser).
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Actually these ActiveX are a permanent target of hacker attacks as well.There was already a bunch of flaws in IE's ActiveX itself and in certain ActiveX components from different vendors.I wonder why MS invented this at all.Maybe they hoped to keep all competitors out of the web once and forever.Fortunately this seems to be failed

> In fact, the only ActiveX I've run into is Windows Update
> and for downloading certain stuff from the MS download site.
I'm used MS software since DOS 6.22 but just switched to Kubuntu.Now I'm simply do not need neither their crappy semi-trojan updates (which can update DRM against my wishes or install spyware stuff like WGA) nor their crappy downloads (bound to their system only) at all.And if some site does not works with browser of my choice (on desktop it is Firefox, on n800 it is Opera and Minimo) it is their problems as well, not mine, buahahaha.No, I will not give up using my favorite browser just because of some www site can't hire professional web programmers who can write PORTABLE code.This will make my life hard and inconvenient.So I'm better not to depend on such poorly crafted services at all.I'm a free man and nobody will be able to enforce me to do something I'm do not like to.And I'm do not like to use IE.It is just suxx :P.That's also why I will never use Vista even if MS will send me a free copy and even will pay for it's use.It's license is total hell.I'm not a personal MS slave so I'll never will be agree with so evil terms of license like they put in Vista.With each version MS tightens licenses harder and harder.Enough is enough.I'm personally will avoid MS products at all.Too evil for me.I'm going to pay my moneys for features and services.Will not pay even a cent for limitations, restrictions and "you can not".

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