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I've got a lovely new Samsung i600 - and would love to use the nice HSDPA 3G on my N800.

EXCEPT, of course, it doesn't do DUN - only PAN. Does anybody know if Nokia are ever going to include this in a firmware update on the N800? Is there anybody at Nokia I can contact about this?

(I know there's a hack available - but I can't imagine it's anything like as easy to use as the built-in DUN on the N800).

Otherwise, I need to make a heartbreaking decision of whether to get rid of the i600 or the N800 :-(

Posts: 428 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Washington DC
I already put in a request on bugzilla. I've never been able to get the hack working on OS2007 on my 770 though.

You can try to vote on the bug I submitted, maybe it'll get escalated. Or create a new one for the n800
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Apr 2007
Here is the enhancement request, for anybody interested....

I really hope Nokia address this as actually being able to connect to the internet is kind of a core, mission-critical component of the N800!

(And yes, I know it's all Microsoft's fault - 'DUN is obsolete so we won't include it'! - but the great thing about Linux, as opposed to the inflexible monolithic approach of MS, is the fact that stuff like this does tend to get added in short order).

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treefrog911 - I suspect it might not be a good idea to have two bug reports for essentially the same bug. I realise the first (#1195) is against the 770, but if PAN is going to be fixed it will be fixed in OS 2007 which should cover both the N800 and 770 (via the OS 2007 Hacker Edition as OS 2006 is unlikely to see any further changes). In fact there's already a comment against the bug to this effect.

I would suggest #1346 is marked as a dupe of #1195 - having two reports for one bug may "split the vote" and could lessen the chances of the bug being fixed. Your link to the Windows Mobile Team blog is useful background info and could be added to #1346 although #1195 will automatically link to #1346 once the latter is a marked as a dupe of the former.

Last edited by Milhouse; 2007-05-09 at 01:38.
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Apr 2007
That sounds logical. Have just updated the bug report so it's resolved as a duplicate as you suggested.
Posts: 125 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2006
This is my modified PAN script which originated from one of our wonderful members (but embarassed that I forget who and cannotgivethe proper kudos)

Just for the record, here is my PANUP script for the *770 to my blackjack *(which ICS must be enabled on--the process isn't well orchestrated for this entire setup)


hciconfig hci0 up

#insmod just to be sure
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/bnep.ko
#start PAN Bluetooth connection
pand --connect $BTADDR

# wait for the interface created by pand
echo -n "Waiting $s secs for $IFACE"
while [ $s -gt 0 ] ; do
        ifconfig $IFACE >/dev/null 2>&1 && break
        echo -n "."
        sleep 1
if ifconfig $IFACE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
# bring it up
echo "OK, bringing $IFACE up"
ifconfig $IFACE $IP up
route add default gw $GW
echo "nameserver $NS" >/tmp/resolv.conf.lo
    echo "Error: $IFACE not available."
best I recall I had to rip the MAC and other junk from the phone (from a winxp pan connection to the Blackjack) and put it in the file.

Remeber, first you must create a dummy connection but this works well.

Last edited by Luna; 2007-05-10 at 16:34.
Posts: 428 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Mar 2006 @ Washington DC
it was working for me. In fact I even got the dbus to be modified properly to connect directly from the connection manager...BUT that was on IT2006 and now I'm running IT2007 Hacker Edition and well, things don't seem to be the same. It connects to my Dash, but I can't browse the internet. Its time for a more elegant solution!
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Originally Posted by Luna View Post
This is my modified PAN script which originated from one of our wonderful members (but embarassed that I forget who and cannotgivethe proper kudos)
Few bits are mine :-) Here is my current version, it is suitable as ON/OFF shortcut in menu since it toggles the state. Also prints infoprint when not run from terminal. Beware that long dbus-send line may be wrapped incorrectly, it is in fact single line. True that for GUI stuff in IT2007 it needs additional hacks instead of the DUMMY connection but it is good enough even for quick ssh into the device.

# use gainroot to become root and relaunch itself
if [ `id -u` != 0 ] ; then
#if not already root, call itself as root
        exec sudo gainroot <<EOF
exec $0 $*
        exit $?
# real script follows

#thanks to inz on #maemo IRC channel for this
dbus-send >/dev/null 2>&1 --system --print-reply /com/nokia/statusbar "string:$*"

#insmod just to be sure
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/bnep.ko
#start PAN Bluetooth connection
pand --connect $BTADDR -d GN
# wait for the interface created by pand
echo -n "Waiting $s secs for $IFACE"
while [ $s -gt 0 ] ; do
        ifconfig $IFACE >/dev/null 2>&1 && break
        [ -t 1 ] && echo -n "."
        sleep 1
if ifconfig $IFACE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
# bring it up
echo "OK, bringing $IFACE up"
ifconfig $IFACE $IP up
route add default gw $GW
echo "nameserver $NS" >/tmp/resolv.conf.lo
    [ -t 1 ] || infoprint "Connected to $BTNAME"
    echo "Error: $IFACE not available."
    [ -t 1 ] || infoprint "Connection failed"

echo "OK, bringing $IFACE down"
echo -n '' >/tmp/resolv.conf.lo
pand -K
sleep 1
rmmod bnep
[ -t 1 ] || infoprint "Disconnected"

if [ "$COMMAND" = "" ] ; then
    if ifconfig $IFACE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then

case $COMMAND in
    start)      bnep_start ;;
    stop)       bnep_stop ;;
Posts: 125 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2006
Oh yeah! Thanks again fanoush
Posts: 125 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2006
Why would I get a Segmentaion fault on this portion

# use gainroot to become root and relaunch itself
if [ `id -u` != 0 ] ; then
#if not already root, call itself as root
        exec sudo gainroot <<EOF
exec $0 $*
        exit $?

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