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Posts: 52 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
This announcement in bulgarian
2010-02-07 Update


I've created this thread to announce the beginning of a project for unofficial Bulgarian localization for Maemo5 and also to give some details on where exactly is the project development now. I didn't know if someone else is also trying to accomplish this, so I've decided that it's better to make the announcement first, so we can join forces :-)

Before starting of the actual translation, I've talked to people with experience in this subject, and I'll try to translate everything as accurate as possible. If you find mistakes/errors /nonsense - please report them.

This is translated at the time of writing:
  • address book
  • phone
  • conversations
  • MicroB browser
Everything else defaults to en_GB.

Project info

Big reporting (you'll need registration):

Deb packets:

I would like to stress one more time that this is an ALPHA STAGE package. Install on your own responsibility. On a later stage, when the initial translation is finished, I'll try to put the package in extras-devel.
The packages are already optified.

I'll try to post all changes here.

Feel free to share comments, idea and suggestions .

UPDATE 2010-02-01
Added new bulgarian-l10n_0.1-3_all.deb
What's new translated:
  • all WLAN, Bluetooth, Mobile connectivity dialogs, configs etc

UPDATE 2010-02-02
Major changes regarding the packaging.
Thanks to firstfan, I was able to add Bulgarian language to his project n900-locales-extras, in which he is responsible for packaging locales for different languages.
We were busy in the last two days in fixing some bugs and licensing issues related to OVI Maps. There is a known bug in the packages posted in garage which prevent the maps from working.
Besides the fact that now we have better packages, the other benefit of moving the project packaging is that the packages are already available in extras-devel. This also means that I'll stop publishing packages on the projects page, but will continue to have a copy of the localized po files in the git repository.
The package name is N900-i18n-bg_BG

If you plan to migrate and use the updated packages found in
extras-devel be sure to UPDATE and install the latest revision of the package which should be at least revision r404. Otherwise you may not be able to successfully upgrade the package later, due to a bug we already fixed, but that exists in the previous releases.

In general these changes will allow me to focus on the translation instead of packaging related issues. This also gives everybody more polished packages, so when a bug is found in one of the localization packages, it can be fixed right away in all.

UPDATE 2010-02-11
As maybe some of you already noticed a new package was pushed yesterday revision 591 which add lots of new localized strings among them:
  • Mail client (Modest)
  • Calendar Application
  • Countries list (almost complete)
  • Cities list (almost complete)
  • Almost all common controls like (save, rename, delete, done etc.)

UPDATE 2010-02-17
New package revision r758 released. Takes into account the changes that came with PR1.1.1. Also added localizations for:
  • Application Manager
  • Backup Application
  • Statusbar Presence
  • File Manager
  • Countries - 100% finished
This time all kudos for the updates together with lots of polishing goes to Borislav Mitev - Thank you for your help!

UPDATE 2010-02-21
New package revision r880 released. Lots of changes here - again I've received help from Borislav Mitev - thanks . Among the changes are localizations for:
  • Media Player
  • Images
  • RSS Reader
  • All games
  • Cities - 100% finished

UPDATE 2010-03-02
Hi fellows! This time the list of the update will be pretty short - because there is no list at all. The reason for that is that today (after allot of problems with transifex) thanks to firstsan I was able to push the final localizations to the google code repository. With that the whole Maemo5 is now localized in Bulgarian! Please bare in mind that this does not mean that everything on your device will be in Bulgarian. There will be still things like third party apps that will not be localized.
From now on I'll continue to push updates and improve the translations and will also start to localize third party apps. The goal is to have a fully Bulgarian "speaking" device

The only bad news is that the package that will incorporate these changes is still underway and will come in the next days. So please test the package and give feedback so we can move it to extras-testing and may some day to extras.

UPDATE 2010-03-07
Finally, the package with full Bulgarian localization today has appeared in the extras devel repository with version number - 20100307-r1044. Between the last update and today I was able to push some more polishes in various spots - so I hope that things now look good enough and at least the rough edges are polished. Enjoy.
Meanwhile I've started comunication with different developers asking to localize their apps and in the coming days I'll post some screenshots on the things I'm working on right now. Currently the apps I was working on and are already officially localized are:
  • Flashlight
  • Cellular Modem Control Buttons

UPDATE 2010-05-10
As everybody seems to wait already for the latest and greatest update for N900 - the mysterious PR1.2 firmware release, I've decided to finally get prepared for that. Kudos again to firstsan, who merged the changes from the upcoming release to the currently localized files. As of version r1433 of the package, the Bulgarian localization should be PR1.2 compatible (I'm not quite sure that it will be backward compatible with PR1.1.1 though) and fully translated.
Another news related to the PR1.2 release is that this bug is marked as resolved in that firmware release. This means that we'll be able to ship quite smaller localization package, compared to the current one which includes one additional big localization related file, needed to workaround the problem.

Last edited by todor_tsankov; 2010-05-10 at 09:34.

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to todor_tsankov For This Useful Post:
Posts: 45 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Bulgaria
I think that all posts must be in english here. So how can I help u in this noble work ?
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
ok, may be - I'll leave it that way for now.
If you really want to help - write to tushe [at] visdigita dot net.
I'll try to give you more details on the subject, if you've never done that before (like me :-) It's not hard at all. Actually the most time consuming part was to figure out how to package everything, which is already almost finished as I've managed to post the initial deb file.
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria Yambol
Здравейте и от мен .
Радвам се много че сте се захванали с превода на български език.
За съжаление аз не мога да помогна с нищо тъй като не разбирам от това но пък съм притежател на този модел нокиа и имам огромно желание да разбера кога се очаква завършването на превода??
Ще има ли превод и на приложения?
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria Yambol
Hello and from me.
I am very glad that you began with a translation in Bulgarian.
Sorry I can not help you with anything because I do not understand from this but I am the owner of this model Nokia and I have a great desire to know when to expect completion of the translation??
Will there be translation and applications?

Здравейте и от мен .
Радвам се много че сте се захванали с превода на български език.
За съжаление аз не мога да помогна с нищо тъй като не разбирам от това но пък съм притежател на този модел нокиа и имам огромно желание да разбера кога се очаква завършването на превода??
Ще има ли превод и на приложения?
Bundyo's Avatar
Posts: 4,708 | Thanked: 4,649 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Bulgaria
It can be used already - but limited to the four apps mentioned in the first post.
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria Yambol
Интересува ме кога ще е готов напъло завършен превода на всичко?
Ще се превеждат ли и приложенията ?

I care about when it will be ready spurt finished translating it?
I will translate and applications?
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
@tweety: as this is purely volunteer work, done by one person in his spare time (me) and given the fact that I have e three months old son it is quite difficult to give any estimate. I'll post updates here when they arrive.
And yes, there are plans for translating other packages besides the base Maemo5, but thats the future. I would like to see how will this progress for now.
Also everyone can help with at least testing the localization. One of the main problems are that some translated strings are quite long compared to their english counterparts and because of the small screen, sometimes they don't fit. If you see something like this - the easiest way to report it is to post a screenshot (Ctrl+Shift+P) here on this thread, so I'll where is this string supposed to fit and how to shorten it. The other way is to post a bug on the project's page.

The Following User Says Thank You to todor_tsankov For This Useful Post:
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Jul 2009
I created a localization project for N900 here:
And everyone could help to do the translation work online here:

What about I create a Bulgarian locale in the project, and you all could upload your translations? I could help to do the packaging work.
Or, do you mind after you release your package, I merge your translation files into my project?
Posts: 121 | Thanked: 172 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ sofia, bulgaria
great work

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