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Originally Posted by bandora View Post

Only thing I don't get here is the Sygic move, I know it's a different company than Nokia, but how come we have to pay money for Sygic just because we are on the Maemo platform while the Symbian fellas can enjoy free navigation right now.. :S

I think it's a little unfair. From my understanding, the move to make latest Maps free on Symbian is a licensing issue - the software was already built and there so it was matter of making it "free". It is not built or available on Maemo, and would therefore require resources to make it in the first place before it can be provided along with the handset.

I do have my suspicions, however, if it were available to be released today would Nokia hold it back to allow Sygic "first shot" so to speak.

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as long as we get backwords compatibility with applications i figure most people can live that.

hopefully with qt 4.6 running on the n900 it'll ensure that most apps can run on both.
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sometime.. it's very hard to realize.. you been cheated by the biggest mobile phone company you ve been loyal for ages!! ******** ovi maps.. front cam doesnt work.. dissapointed
danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by HangLoose View Post
just a tip for people that might be feeling screwed by nokia: sell the n900 and buy something else that suites your needs.

like someone else said, dont make your life so terrible. you should enjoy the device. if a cell phone is making you start thinking about plots, conspiracy theories and boycots over a device that is working perfectly fine something is clearly wrong...

and it is not with the phone.
DONE! Got a Droid. Thanks for the tip but I think, as someone else put it, it's also a matter of feeling like your brand loyalty in Nokia has been stomped on. I'm primarily talking about the lack of customer service, lack of loyalty programs and the feeling that your loyalty buys nothing at all, despite the costs.

Honestly, Nokia doesn't NEED to do anything special nor does it even have to provide any real form of customer service. But then, by the same reasoning, I don't feel that I should remain loyal to the brand that isn't loyal to their customers. Bam! Done. I'm hanging on to my N800 until it either dies or I sell it to someone who doesn't mind dealing with Nokia. I, for one, have had a much better experience of walking into my local Verizon store to actually get surprisingly excellent service with my Droid, so far. I can't say that I've ever had anything nearly as positive to report with my N800 (which I ended up having to re-purchase since Nokia, no anyone else, would sell me the parts I needed to fix it).

You're absolutely right, though, and you're providing the best reason for many of us, who aren't N900 or Nokia, to go out and have a more pragmatic look at the competition and how it might fit our needs better, or else come back and buy that N900.

Originally Posted by Rob1n View Post
Why do I have to pay for Windows when the Linux people enjoy a free OS? Forget Sygic - if you like the software and think it's better than Ovi maps, then buy it (when it comes out). The presence (or absence) of Sygic has no effect on whether Nokia will produce free navigation for the N900.

My suspicion is that, when development of Ovi Maps for m6 is complete, they'll make a decision on making it available for m5. Until that point they don't know whether it'll work, or even whether it's worth it (if m6 is out shortly afterwards, and will be available for the N900, why bother).
I'm not sure I understand why anyone should complain that the price is higher. Personally, I'm much more thankful that it's available at all and I would feel justified to pay the higher price for something that was ported over so well. There's FREE.. and then there's CHEAP. They're not necessarily the same. Ovi Maps is both. It would be worse if it wasn't free. Sygic is, thankfully, neither--even though it would be nice if it were inexpensive or free--but I'll take not being CHEAP over free any day.
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
You're absolutely right, though, and you're providing the best reason for many of us, who aren't N900 or Nokia, to go out and have a more pragmatic look at the competition and how it might fit our needs better, or else come back and buy that N900.
Here's the problem, though, the competition sucks. Nobody's as open, nobody offers the same experience. Android is a joke, iPhone OS is a joke, and WebOS is an even worse one. There. Is. No. Substitute.

This is why Nokia's behavior is so frustrating. I want with all of my heart to love the product and this platform, but they pretty consistently do everything in their power to punish that.
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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
Here's the problem, though, the competition sucks. Nobody's as open, nobody offers the same experience. Android is a joke, iPhone OS is a joke, and WebOS is an even worse one. There. Is. No. Substitute.

This is why Nokia's behavior is so frustrating. I want with all of my heart to love the product and this platform, but they pretty consistently do everything in their power to punish that.
Sadly, I fully agree.

I think I've been pretty consistent on the point that the increasing openness and the operating system are not disappointing to me. (Although I've begun to question whether the openness is truly Nokia's doing--but that's probably my cynicism at this point.)

I even considered that the N900 MIGHT be a worthwhile device for me to purchase... but in the intervening time (from full announcements, specs and pictures... to the moment it was actually being shipped and available for purchase) I had to do some real thinking and, ultimately, had to remind myself about all the frustrations I've had to deal with whenever I had a problem with Nokia hardware.

Maemo has been like a dangling carrot--it's delicious, it's right there in front of you but it's ALWAYS just right there in front of you.. that promise of EXACTLY what you want as a consumer. GREAT device with an excellent operating system and openness... but the true appreciation of that carrot is AAALWAYS just out of reach with customer service issues (parts? stylus!? ... SOMETHING??) and the appearance of an uncaring attitude toward customers.

Open source is a good move--but as a hardware manufacturer, openness all by itself doesn't make a piece of hardware valuable--it simply makes it MORE valuable than not valuable at all. But if you treat your customers badly, "more valuable" is still falling short of being "valuable" and you'll have lost customers which will be MUCH harder to win back.

I could argue that the N900 misses the mark as the device *I* want.. but even if I wanted to try it out and reconsider, I can't because of the consistently appalling customer service history I've had after purchasing MULTIPLE Nokia products. After a while, you begin to learn what to expect from Nokia and you begin to look elsewhere.

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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
Here's the problem, though, the competition sucks. Nobody's as open, nobody offers the same experience. Android is a joke, iPhone OS is a joke, and WebOS is an even worse one. There. Is. No. Substitute.

This is why Nokia's behavior is so frustrating. I want with all of my heart to love the product and this platform, but they pretty consistently do everything in their power to punish that.
From my personal opinion, the open sourced Symbian^4 could become close enough for me. It would need a better interface, an improved way of delivering apps, and to run on OMAP3 hardware, among other things, but wouldn't be so... "imprisoning" as other platforms..

About customer service, around here in this part of the world it does not exist regardless the brand (and there is no Android, WebOS here either), so when something breaks we are used to fix it ourselves, like I did with my N800 screen.

As an anecdote, just a week ago a friend took a PC main board to be repaired in a "street shop", he didn't have money for a new one, but for the equivalent of $3, a guy cannibalized components from older main boards and fixed it in less than 25 minutes.
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Last edited by mrojas; 2010-02-02 at 00:40.
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Originally Posted by hteink.min View Post
******** ovi maps.. front cam doesnt work.. dissapointed
And when exactly Nokia promised any of this for the N900? If you need someone to blame, blame yourself for buying a product with no research of its shortcomings.
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
omeriko9's Avatar
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Originally Posted by zwer View Post
And when exactly Nokia promised any of this for the N900? If you need someone to blame, blame yourself for buying a product with no research of its shortcomings.
I know this is a bit offtopic, but come on, please stop this "do your research" propaganda against any complaints heard about missing basic functionality in the n900.

A research should be made, I agree, but also should not be overestimated. It cannot, by all means, cover EVERY aspect and feature the device might of might not have.
If the device have front camera but no video calls - that's a yet-to-be implemented functionality rather than "no video calls".
If the device has (a)GPS but no good turn-by-turn navigation software, this again should be implemented sooner or later, rather than be treated by the "hey, do your research before you buy" approach.

I should not digg the 'maemo talk' forums just to figure if the n900 has unique ringtons for every caller - I expect Nokia to provide it as it did for me for the last 10 years I buy its product: out of the box (same goes for MMS). No research should be SO comprehensive, as the research's Value Of Information must be taken in account when the research is done.

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Originally Posted by Rob1n View Post
Why do I have to pay for Windows when the Linux people enjoy a free OS? Forget Sygic - if you like the software and think it's better than Ovi maps, then buy it (when it comes out). The presence (or absence) of Sygic has no effect on whether Nokia will produce free navigation for the N900.

My suspicion is that, when development of Ovi Maps for m6 is complete, they'll make a decision on making it available for m5. Until that point they don't know whether it'll work, or even whether it's worth it (if m6 is out shortly afterwards, and will be available for the N900, why bother).
Hah I don't pay for Windows.. Sorry. And no I don't get it pirated.. And also you can switch to linux or to windows.. Because it's by choice and it's not like you're forced to use Windows.. In this case we're kind of getting forced to go with Sygic (I won't.. but I am still not gonna have Turn By Turn Voice Navigation because of that).. So your example cannot relate to what I am saying.

And really you think I am actually dumb by thinking that I thought that Sygic has an effect on Ovi maps or on Nokia? If osmething that should have an effect on another is Nokia having an effect on Sygic and other Navigation softwares.. Btw that's why I stated I know that Sygic has nothing to do with Nokia in post (two different companies).. So please before you share your input try to read and understand the posts. Thank you.

Last edited by bandora; 2010-02-02 at 01:36.

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