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Posts: 58 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Jan 2010
The lack of responsiveness is acutely felt when an new message or a call alert comes.. tapping on them over and over again does not cause any affect...

The thread seems to be moving in a direction in which we are looking at all possible slow downs. The issue I reported is a very specific one. whenever such a slow down occurs use Htop or Conky to look at the process, Hildon-Home will be consuming between 85 to 96% and close to 50% ram. This is the basic characteristic of the scenario. As masq said am not trying to say maemo or n900 is slow.. its one of the fastest phones I have ever used, but this seems to be specific bug affecting the Hildon-Home process. When it gets real worse system itself will put an alert and say Hildon-Home is unresposive and give a yes\no option to terminate it.. I have seen this only twice.. may be coz I terminate it myself, whenever I have the issue.

And no I donot use the ip widget, but wont it have a process of its own.. And I donot use mail for exchange If anyone is having this issue please use any of the process viewers like Htop or conky to report back what is slowing down there system . If you do not wish to install any of these, goto xterm and type top for a dynamic view of processes. Just saying my system is also slow won`t help


Originally Posted by masq View Post
I'm not sure if this is out of place or not but I was about to start a thread and this seems related enough so I'd like to check if people are getting similar behavior.

At times my phone feels responsive enough (to be honest "blazing fast" is not a description I would likely use often) but after a while even if I don't have too many applications open it crawls to a halt. In fact I just missed a call because the phone app wouldn't load up fast enough! I just heard ringing but the screen stayed dead.

I think the slowdowns I've noticed happen over time and have the character of a memory leak. They seem to occur after I have a lot of apps running but even shutting off apps still leaves the system quite laggy.

This does not seem to be too specific to Hildon-Home but really applies to the whole system -- waking the phone up, launching the task manager, selecting an app, etc...

Are others seeing only very specifically hildon-home unresponsiveness or more general unresponsiveness?

My widgets:

personal ip
om weather
ap news
conversation inbox
dataplan monitor
FM transmitter on/off
desktop media player (forget the name)
desktop load monitor showing cpu+mem (again forget the name)
Posts: 58 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Seems like this is not the only thread which is discussing it..

The suggested solution is to uninstall load-applet. As I had said in my first post, my first instict when this issue was to uninstall the load-applet and for some time I thought it solved the issue.. but definetly it did not. Am going to put it back and take some screen shots..

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Posts: 579 | Thanked: 286 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Australia
hey guys. i just realised something.

i also had the 'touch search' widget disabled. i just re enabled it and the problem came back. disabled it again and guess what. THE PROBLEM HAS GONE AGAIN wwooooooo ill add it to the bug report
Posts: 58 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Jan 2010
@felbuts.. what did you see in a process viewer? Was the touch search widget clogging up everything ?

Please take a look at any process viewer else everyone would be just removing and re-installing widgets. Don`t jump to conclusions.


Originally Posted by felbutss View Post
hey guys. i just realised something.

i also had the 'touch search' widget disabled. i just re enabled it and the problem came back. disabled it again and guess what. THE PROBLEM HAS GONE AGAIN wwooooooo ill add it to the bug report
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Nope. Nothing out of the ordinary. if i trace my steps back this is exactly how my issue got resoled for noww......

phone was slow, wasnt responding and freezing. when i was trying to come back into the desktop from the multitask window an error came up. hildon-home not responding. i pressed yes to close it and i lost all my widgets.(this can be recreated by typing killall hildon-home in terminal)

the phone was working fine. then i thought hhmmmm i must be the widgets causing the issue, so i only loaded the widgets i knew were safe and left IP and touch search out.

i will try to recreate the issue and see where the lag is coming from
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As I have none of those widgets and still get issues something else is probably the problem.

The widgets I have are the GPRS data use monitor, calendar, conversation inbox, fmtx on/off, command line execution widget.
For any repos or anything else I might have working on my N900 see:
A quick list of what I have in the repos
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Posts: 579 | Thanked: 286 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Australia
hope nokia figure this one out
Posts: 127 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Have we all just given up then?

I have no widgets anymore and so far so good - although still not as zippy as it used to be i feel...
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Posts: 579 | Thanked: 286 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Australia
true. i see this as a bigger deal then the rest. so far 68.18% of people are getting this issue
Posts: 377 | Thanked: 68 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Its been 3 days since I deleted load-applet and the problem has not reoccured.

I would try deleting load-applet if you are still experiencing problems

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