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Nokia is really relatively quiet, and specially about Maemo. I mean, they have made annoucements that it is their future, and gave lots of attention to it in Nokia World, but it is still considered more of an offbeat device.

The other side is that they are marketing the device for a specific public. They are going for developers, hackers, "gearheads", whatever you call them. They are caring more about getting it right, and relying on the word of mouth. And I love seeing that, it's the only totally “honest” marketing strategy.

Google does that often, with their invite-a-friend strategy when they launch stuff. Apple also certainly relies on the viral publicity too, pushed by their hosts of fans.

What I want to say is: may the best phone win. I respect people who do their thing in silence, instead of blabbing about it. Maybe it is not Nokia who is quiet, it's just the others who are loudmouths.

Nobody is being quiet there at the PUSH N900 website. Lots of people showing great stuff there, quiet work they've done, and having fun. All noise I hear from Apple is about money, censorship and restrictions. And Google is quite quiet themselves too if you think about it... Just some controversies too now and then.

Closing up. Largest manufacturer of mobile devices in the world is probably Nike. And boy, do those sneakers move... And their numbers are also impressive because every bought means two devices!
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Originally Posted by siperkin View Post
Originally Posted by gtbaka View Post

.....But as long as the majority of the worlds population prefers convenience and familiarity with someone telling them what is and what's not cool like the Lemmings that they are, Apple is in great shape. .

I'm not sure but last time I checked the majority(39%) of mobile users were Nokia. I also seem to remember 4th Quater results showed growth for Nokia in the smartphone arena and a drop of 0.3% for apple. So not everyone in the world is drinking the Kool-aid.
I think you miss my point. I was talking about the majority of the population being the sort to prefer convenience to control/complexity in general. What I did not say was that Apple had a monopoly on that market. Obviously with Nokia's excellent ability with diversification they have mobile devices that grab a large share of that market. Not to mention Motorola as well. I just stated that Apple is in fine shape because they create devices that attract a large market and from a bigger picture standpoint don't need to be making outlandish claims or have these delusional grandiose ideas about being the premier mobile device manufacturer.

Maybe if you read my original post you'll see that I'm not contending with you at all.
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All I want is a healthy competitive market, yet one that isn't so fractured that developers can't really deliver compelling apps across the platforms. That way we get competition and innovation, and consumers can chose the device that's right for them.

I don't think everyone should have a N900. Me - yup. My son - yup. Rest of family - nope, probably more iphone types. And that's just fine...

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Originally Posted by Lord Raiden View Post
Well, the n900 is nice, and I'll probably get lynched for saying this here, but right now the Motorola Droid is the best smart phone on the market, period. If the n900 can rise to the awesomeness of the Motorola Droid, then the n900 might retake the crown and beat both the MD and the iPhone into a paltry little pulp of bloody gore. Of course, throw in a little bit of the HTC Sense's UI goodness and you've got an unstoppable winner.
And why is the ''Droid'' best smart phone on the market,''PERIOD'' ?? And please include the ''awesomeness'' part in your explanation, so I can stop laugh....

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