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mrebanza's Avatar
Posts: 290 | Thanked: 132 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ New York City
What plug-in works best with Micro-B?

I need to pretend I am an iPhone - LOL

Google does not wanna give us G-Maps Mobile . . . scum bags....

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Erm... it's a desktop class browser... why would you want to prented to be a sub-class device?
For any repos or anything else I might have working on my N900 see:
A quick list of what I have in the repos

The Following User Says Thank You to ruskie For This Useful Post:
Posts: 468 | Thanked: 610 times | Joined on Jun 2006
I believe you can install "Hide user agent", and change the "hidden name" to the iPhone user agent string.

The Following User Says Thank You to Bernard For This Useful Post:
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If you want to go beyond just changing what is reported as the user agent, then you can actually switch to the webkit render engine...
The n900 version is probably in extra-devel so be careful... I know with my n8x0 tablets that you can install the webkit render engine (I think that the package is webkit-eal) and use the included utility to change render engines between microb and webkit.
Alternatively, (also probably in extras-devel) you can use Tear or Midori which are both webkit-based browsers.
Posts: 468 | Thanked: 610 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Midori is also in extras testing I believe.
MicroB is still the best browser on the N900 imho.
I didn't know you could change the MicroB render engine. What is the default user agent string when MicroB uses the webkit engine?

Edit: I can't find that package

Last edited by Bernard; 2010-02-05 at 23:03.
Posts: 18 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Orange County, CA
Here's the steps I took to change MicroB's user agent to the latest iPhone:

Download "Hide User Agent" from Extras-Devel (Usual warning applies!)

Launch the app from the settings menu and click "User Agent." Use the following setting:

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; fr-fr) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16

When you want to switch back to MicroB, just click on "remove" within the "Hide User Agent" app.

I tried this to use the web-based Google Voice app for the iPhone. It sort of worked- but the formatting was all messed up-- although I could dial out and my google voice # showed up in their caller id. Not pretty, though.

Last edited by rentboy; 2010-02-05 at 23:40.

The Following User Says Thank You to rentboy For This Useful Post:
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Midori has support out of the box for the "iphone" user agent string.

I've kept it for browsing a few more small-screen friendly sites.
di1in's Avatar
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Originally Posted by planetf1 View Post
Midori has support out of the box for the "iphone" user agent string.

I've kept it for browsing a few more small-screen friendly sites.
Did midori work for out of the box or did you have to tweak anything? For me it just times out even for and says cannot connect to destination. firefox works so it's not a network problem. i believe it's not even attempting to connect since i do not get the data connection sign in my statusbar for midori.

Last edited by di1in; 2010-02-21 at 11:58.
Posts: 277 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Nope didn't configure anything. However it's no longer installed after a reflash for the 1.1.1 update, as part of this I noticed it took a fair amount or root fs space.
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Posts: 184 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Jan 2010
For me both iceweasel and midori cant connect. =(

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