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Posts: 8 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2007
I have a 770 and I would like to load 2007 Hacker's edition OS on a MMC card. I have the following questions:

1- Is there a How To for installing 2007 on the MMC card and dual booting between 2007 and 2006?

2- I read that 2007 hackers edition has the older kernel. I would like to install 2007 on a 2 gig Mobile MMC card. Is this possible?

3- Should I replace 2006 with the 2007 hacker's edition (install directly on the 770) instead of dual booting? If I do can I use 2gig mmc cards?

Any recomendations would be appreciated.
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2006
1- Here. For dual booting, there was an EASY method in old wiki, but I can't seem to find it with the new midguard search form... old wiki was great (a simple "mmc" search gived you the right page), this new one still needs some polish...

The process I used:
  1. Backup OS2006
  2. Flash OS2007
  3. Install Xterm and gainroot
  4. Install Fanoush Kernel with 2gb support
  5. Partition MMC (if not already done) with the EASY wiki method
  6. Copy flash to mmc with the EASY wiki method
  7. Install bootmenu (see fanoush page) for dua boot

2- Yes, it's possible ! You can use the Os2007 on N770 with the latest Os2006 kernel from fanoush with support for 2gig cards and multiblock write at 52Mhz (works great for me) : kernel, more info on his page.

3- You can keep 2006 on flash and get 2007 on the MMC, but you'll lose your current 2006 set up during process... so you need backup and reflash OS6006 after the OS2007 install ! But honestly... I don't want to use OS2006 anymore...

Never said Thx to Fanoush for all the great tools and kernels ! Thx Fanoush !
NOKIA 770 w/ OS 2007
2 GB Kingston MMC Mobile
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2006
So what is the latest best link to download the 2007 OS HE for the 770? Will I have any regrets if I use the video player a lot for filesconverted on DVD catalyst to MP4's?

I haven't even gotten around to downloading and installing mplayer. Should I do that before or after the 2007 OS? Does anyone have a good link for the mplayer?

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