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Posts: 398 | Thanked: 301 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Texas
* I have a N810
* I'm interested to see and use Diablo and/or Mer on my device. I have an N900 and while it makes a wonderful phone, at home, my N810 is much nicer with it's larger screen and longer battery life. I use the web browser, media player, IM, dial central and omweather.

* I'm willing to contribute with whatever is not getting filled in by others. Maintaining my applications, porting other applications, testing, etc.

* If Mer would happen, I would then be able to replace Diablo.


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danramos's Avatar
Posts: 4,672 | Thanked: 5,455 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ Springfield, MA, USA
*I have an N800

* I'm somewhat interested in seeing a new OS to take over the role of the effectively orphaned OS that Nokia no longer maintains on this hardware, however my interest is increasingly waning with its age and my disenchantment with Nokia's support and the lack of replacement parts and hardware,severely hampering its effective reliability in a commercial and personal environment.

* I'm willing to possibly abuse, test and report on bugs and usability of the OS (now that I don't actually use my N800 for anything critical anymore) on the actual N800 hardware. I'm also something of an artist (I'm good but I don't do it much, preferring other things to do), so I might be able to contribute to that as well.

* I'm with Silvermountain on pretty much what he said: "ITT or any sort of separate forum for N770.N800/N810 users would be great. I think it's been shown that is not that willing to change to accommodate legacy-app users and rather than spend a year in some Brainstorming exercise a new forum might be a much cleaner way."

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Posts: 313 | Thanked: 97 times | Joined on Jan 2009
Originally Posted by Laughing Man View Post
* I have an N800.

* I'm interested in running Mer on the device. And would love to see my favorite gadget have its lifetime increased. Especially if then I could run the same QT based app on my N900 and my N800 at home (since it has a bigger screen and would be closer to an outlet at home since the N800's battery is dying).

* I'm willing to contribute with testing (when I have the time). Sadly as of now graduate school and work take up most of my time.
Laughing Man, you're killing us with those horror stories about your dying battery. can't you please scrounge up 8 dollars somewhere and buy your n800 a nice chinese battery? not even i am THAT cheap!

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Posts: 25 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Sep 2008 @ California
Use my N800 every day. Bought a low mileage spare in case it ever quits working( no sign of that happening). It's loaded with photos, music, movies, books, audio books,Conboy notes and sketches. Web browsing, Skype and Mytube work great. Software improvments would be welcome, but I love it just as it is. A seperate forum would be interesting to me. I have no interest in the small screen/monthly fee/N900.
Posts: 144 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Detroit
* I have a N800 and N810

* I'm interested to see and use Mer, with 3D/opengl , Android on my devices

* I'm willing to contribute with programming in python, Gui in Qt

* If video calls with other gtalk/yahoo would happen, I would then be able to do video chat
Posts: 99 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ Tampere, Finland
  • I have a N810
  • I'm interested to see and use Mer and QT 4.6 on my device
  • I'm willing to contribute with testing. I'm a coder too but I don't have any Linux or mobile coding experience so I won't be much of a help.
  • If Mer and/or QT 4.6 would happen, I would have a reason to learn QT and contribute to the community (instead of whining in this forum)

The Following User Says Thank You to Mixu For This Useful Post:
Posts: 3,841 | Thanked: 1,079 times | Joined on Nov 2006
  • I have an N800
  • It for the most part does what I want, so I'm not currently looking for new stuff
  • On the other hand, I'm somewhat interested in the TI drivers and what can be done with them. I will probably start to play around with this, possibly through Mer.
  • [Leaving open for now]
-- Metalayer-crawler delenda est.
-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.
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* I have a N810
* I'm interested to see and use Mer/Ubuntu on my device (flashable) and no .img file.
* I'm interested to see the community SSU happening and Qt4.6 on my N810.
Addison's Avatar
Posts: 3,811 | Thanked: 1,151 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ East Lansing, MI
N800 user.

Don't know what Mer is or can even do.

3D graphics doesn't interest me in the slightest.

I could help out with the touch screen keyboard.
Posts: 12 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2010
* I have a N800

* I'm interested to see and use mer/ubuntu with GL accel on my device

* I'm willing to contribute with Tests and programming

maemo4, nokia n800, nokia n810

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