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I purchased an LD-3W to use with Maemo Mapper on an N800. However, I was able to get a satelite fix only once (for about 5 minutes) during the week that I owned it. I tried walking around outside with it my pocket, but still, nothing. The Nokia website said it should have a fix in under a minute, so I exchanged it for a new one.

I can't get Maemo Mapper to link with the new device. I briefly got it to link to my laptop, but still no satelite fix. Does the LD-3W suck or am I just buying from a really crappy vendor? (I suspect that returned ones go right back to the store shelves, alas).

I'm in Holland, if that somehow makes a difference. Maybe the low alititude makes it harder to see the satelites?

So: How do I get Maemo Mapper to form a bluetooth link with it? I picked it in the settings. I tried throwing away the application and re-installing, but MM kept all my old settings. (I'm a n00b, so if you answer includes running utility applications, can you please also tell me where to find them, etc?)

If this new one still won't fix to any satellites, should I look at the TomTom or something else?

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Posts: 231 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on May 2007 @ Singapore
We're sorry, but the selected products are not compatible with the Nokia N800. Below is a list of compatible products in the GPS category.
Here's what the website says under the compatability checker.
euchreprof's Avatar
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If you are looking for a good GPS for use with MaemoMapper, I highly recommend the Holux M 1000. It uses a new chipset from MTK which is at least as sensitive as the Sirf III but gets better battery life. I have been using it for a couple of weeks and have been very impressed with the number of satellites it consistently pulls in and how quick it is to lock on. I normally have 8 satellites locked and it cold starts in about half a minute.
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I use the holux gpslim 240. Works perfectly with my n800 and blackberry curve.
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I use i.Trek M6 and have no complaints. Good price ( and no issues with sensitivity.
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Warsaw, Poland
I use Nokia LD-3W. Without any problem, with N800 & maemo-mapper.
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Originally Posted by torx View Post
Here's what the website says under the compatability checker.
It works fine for me...
Never had a problem.
<gla55> security stuff is just to piss off people, really
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
The first cold start can take even 10 minutes. You should take LD-3W to open space and keep it on and check when there's fix for satellites. I've used many different gps equipments and all need that long first start. I'm now using the LD-3W and it's working fine with N800 and Navicore.
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LD-3W comes with Navicore kit so I'm hoping Nokia went through QA cycle with it.

I've been using mine now for about a month and while I'm generally happy with it, it does take a while to lock in a signal. This is my first handheld GPS so I can't compare it to anything else but I wish it was a bit faster.

I have no idea how it performs in bad weather and I'm dreading that already. Anybody have any experience with it in winter time?

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