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Hello everyone, I have my n800 for a week now and I love it. First let me thank the people here for this forum: a great resource to get started.

I allready have two 'problems'. The first is that te box didn't contain the pouch. The shop is going to send me one.

The second problem is more of a question: The right side of the screen seems a bit darker than the rest. I can see a difference in brightness espacialy when I have opened a application with a white backgound, for example maemopad. When watching movies or images it is not so visable. Is this normal? I don't have somebody to compare it with..
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Originally Posted by arjaan View Post
The second problem is more of a question: The right side of the screen seems a bit darker than the rest. I can see a difference in brightness espacialy when I have opened a application with a white backgound, for example maemopad. When watching movies or images it is not so visable. Is this normal? I don't have somebody to compare it with..
It's normal, and there are many posts in this forum on that subject. It's caused by the LED emitters.

Anyway, welcome to the fold!

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Posts: 15 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jun 2007 @ Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Thanks. (I did search btw, but maybe with the wrong words) Now lets find out how i can develop for this nice litlle machine...

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