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Originally Posted by Alan_Peery View Post
Next on the list is Ima, for tacking the GTK and Hildon1 porting questions
Appreciated (really!) but there's no need. If you want to help stay tuned on this thread, as it looks like I'm going to need some volunteer guin^H^H^H^Htesters RSN :-)

The [NOTIFY] RFC is now on my required reading list, and I hope the claws-mail and modest maintainers have already read it!
Apparently it's "on the agenda" for tinymail (which provides modest's IMAP support).
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Originally Posted by lma View Post
The main blocker AFAIUI (and it's early days so take with a large pinch of salt) is the requirement for OpenGL*, so it seems that we need to get the TI drivers working before attempting anything else.
This probably is too naive, but since soon after Mer started, I thought, "why don't they just create a skeleton OpenGL library." Mostly no-ops and return values that just get you to point B. If need be, you could slowly populate stuff with hand-waving Cairo calls. The cool part is, it would only be one variable in a stable testing environment: FREMANTLE_X86. When you're happy enough with that, you could then try to boot an n900 with it.
N9: Go white or go home

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I am a late adopter of a N810 (June 2009) when they were apparently on their way to be (if not already were) discontinued.

I am interested in simply using it. I think it is a very capable device as-is, including the OS, but every version of Maemo is a little weak in some specific application areas like PIMs, office type apps (not as weak as PIMs though), and internet browsing could be specifically improved with better flash support (an "Internet Tablet" but no real flash support?).

I'm a career network engineer so I know good and useful devices when I see them, but there's really not much I can do to help improve them other than testing, which I am more than happy to do.

This is my first "open" device, so I'm far more used to just paying for what I need and the financial support tends to result in getting additional improvements or apps that I want. I know the open community doesn't work that way, but to answer the last question, if a working PIM was released, better flash support in the internet browser, and nice port of OpenOffice was made available for the N810, I would gladly pay for it!

With regard to Mer, I admire the endeavor and those involved in the undertaking, but I think that the contributor's talents would be better spent developing apps or at least ports for Diablo. I'm afraid that by the time Mer is anywhere close to "ready" there won't be any devices to run it on because the N800/N810 will be beyond its useful life.
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Posts: 137 | Thanked: 170 times | Joined on Jul 2008
* I have a N810 (and 770 which can gather dust)

* I'm interested to see something fresh working on it. Will it be Mer or MeeGo or other name.

* I'm willing to contribute with testing and knowledge.
irc: hrw
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 58 times | Joined on Aug 2008 @ Bologna (Italy)
- I have an N810.

- I also would like to see Mer fully functional.

- I'm willing to contribute with testing Mer.

- I want to keep the N8x0(W) platform alive for as long as possible.
IT: Nokia N810 with micro-SDHC 8GB Class 6
and Nokia N900 with micro-SDHC 16GB Class 6
Bluetooth headset: Nokia BH-102 (for Skype calls) and Nokia BH-501 (for music)
External keyboard: Nokia SU-8W

My NIT experience: Since 5/2008
YoDude's Avatar
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I have an N800 and an 810. I use the N810 everyday in my car tethered to my N900 for Maemo Mapper.

I'm interested in web apps and I am working on snatching and installing some of the OVI ones like France/24, etc.

I'm looking for the right inputs for the User Agent Switcher Installed on the N810.

For the N900 I got this so far:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux armv7l; en-US; rv:1.9.2a1pre)
Maemo Browser 1.5.6 RX-51 N900

Working with the N810 inside is a PITA though because the battery is shot.

EDIT: OVI lets me in and thinks I'm an N900. It installs the OVI repo when I hit "download" but the OVI repo never refreshes.

EDIT again: When I do get the deb to the N810 it needs about a zillion libraries and updates not designed for the N810. libdbus-glib being the least of it ... Oh well, I still had fun trying though.

SLN member # 009

Last edited by YoDude; 2010-02-25 at 03:55.
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2009
I've had a N800 for about a year now, and enjoy the heck out of it
I use it for Web Browsing - Dial Central - Vagalume
I could test whatever path of OS was chosen - but would appreciate a dual boot as I use the device daily
Looking for support for setting my online status from behind a firewall (as near as I can tell this isn't supported) and Flash 10 support.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2010 @ London
- I have an N800 and I love it to bits. Bought it 2 1/2 years ago (but this is my first time on this board...sorry about that). I used the N800 daily for the first 18 months - primarily to catch & play audio podcasts and for light surfing/email. These days I use it round the house at weekends to stream music from Last.FM via Vagalume and the occasional Twitter session using Mauku. I'd like to use it for a whole lot more, but find that most things I try to do with it these days just take too long. I think a rebuild is called for...and I'll scour these boards for tips on the best way to optimise performance and which apps I should use.

- I love tinkering about with OS's on PCs, on phones and on tablets. That said I'm not fussed about which OS we end up with for N8X0 as long as the apps are made to run better. There are so many cool ideas and apps in the community that it's frustrating for me (a non-coder) when they don't work as they should. Example 1: I gave up looking for for a reliable podcatcher (ended up buying a Creative Zen & syncing it with my PC). Example 2: Incredibly slow performance from N800 apps when attempting to stream audio from my Windows 7 UPnP media streamer even though the Creative Zen works like a charm.

- I'm willing to contribute testing & bug reports for apps and any new OS's that come round.

- Like many others here, I want to keep the N8x0(W) hardware platform alive for as long as possible. If it's Meego, Android, Mer or Diablo then I'm happy. For me it's all about the apps.

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Posts: 473 | Thanked: 141 times | Joined on Jan 2009 @ Virginia, USA
I've had my N810 for just over a year, and I too enjoy the heck out of it.
I'd be willing to do whatever I could (and had time for), but I am a sysadmin rather than a programmer...
As for what I would like to see, I have a core cadre of apps that I use, which is everything from FBreader (I read on it a *lot*), MediaBox for media playback (mp3/ogg in the car, movies at other times), angband, tear and midori for browsing, the list goes on.

The main advantage to the N900 from my perspective (other than being new and shiny), especially since I had an AT&T rep tell me that an N900 wouldn't work on their network, is the additional onboard storage and the faster processor...

Posts: 120 | Thanked: 69 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ NL
Still here too..., though not so much

* I have a N800 and N810 (and waiting for my N900 to arrive) and still enjoy using them. Mainly for reading, webbrowsing and some python programming with vim.

* I'm interested to see a speed increase in the OS on my device (will Mer bring this? I doubt a backport of freemantle will)

* I'm willing to contribute with whatever I can but I have limited time. I have compiled some linux tools on scratchbox (Groff, Grap and Ghostscript so I can generate nice looking pdfs with pic diagrams and graphs from vim using the troff macros) and I am a programmer (Java, some Python).

* If "winning the lottery" would happen, I would then be able to do "stop working and contribute more" (did not really know what to say here)

Cheers, Bousch

maemo4, nokia n800, nokia n810

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