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As far as I know, maemo6 will not be officially released for n900, but community supported edition is expected to be shiped.
Also, maemo6 is known to have DRM and appliation from OVI will be digitally signed to be run in DRM environment.

Does it mean, that: community supported maemo6 will not have DRM and commercial applications for maemo6 will not run on n900?

I see no any updated/new applications for maemo4, now I see the same future for maemo5.

Before DRM, there was a point to buy n900 (at least, you can use community supported m6), but now...

Seems lke n900 is already dramatically obsolete.

I don't want to be a troll, may be I've missed some points?

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Originally Posted by kenga View Post
As far as I know, maemo6 will not be officially released for n900, but community supported edition is expected to be shiped.
Also, maemo6 is known to have DRM and appliation from OVI will be digitally signed to be run in DRM environment.

Does it mean, that: community supported maemo6 will not have DRM and commercial applications for maemo6 will not run on n900?

I see no any updated/new applications for maemo4, now I see the same future for maemo5.

Before DRM, there was a point to buy n900 (at least, you can use community supported m6), but now...

Seems lke n900 is already dramatically obsolete.

I don't want to be a troll, may be I've missed some points?
My advise is don't buy if you don't want to and buy if you want to. So please stop posting such thread in the wrong section unrelated to the area. Nokia N900 section is for hardware specific problems only. SO please and please stop trolling.

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Well the question is not useless, actually I plan to get a n900 because I feel this is the only gnu/unix phone that provide hardware keyboard ...

Actually a n810 w/ gsm would be enough for me ...

And let's not forget Mer or meego as alternatives to freemantle
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Please help to list all maemo existing apps :

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Still a pointless post in the wrong section.

If you want one buy it now. If you want to worry about maemo6 or 7 or 8 or..... then just wait and keep waiting. It is the same with all fast moving technologies, in the end if you need it buy now, if you can wait then wait.

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hmm, do you need the n900 now?! Then (duh) go buy one! If you're worried about all that just wait for official announcements or simply get the Droid.
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Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
My advise is don't buy if you don't want to and buy if you want to. So please stop posting such thread in the wrong section unrelated to the area. Nokia N900 section is for hardware specific problems only. SO please and please stop trolling.
Why do you have to be like this? It is a perfectly reasonable question to ask. And where did you get that idea bout what the N900 section is for? "Hardware-specific discussion about the fourth generation of Internet Tablets." does not sound Anything like "Nokia N900 section is for hardware specific problems only." Stop being an idiot, your clueless, why do people have to be such d**ks to new people, are you purposefully all going round trying to put people off getting the phone or what.

And to answer the question (which trolls like maxximuscool don't seem able to) my answer would be yes, it is well worth getting this phone, Nokia supported the other platforms longer than the 3 or so months this phone has been out and they will most likely continue to support it longer, and this phone is based around the community, you can be rest assured they will continue to support it for a long time to come.

Hope that helps


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Originally Posted by viegas View Post
hmm, do you need the n900 now?! Then (duh) go buy one! If you're worried about all that just wait for official announcements or simply get the Droid.
If he needed it then obviously he would buy it. Think about it and stop assuming new users are *****s.


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Originally Posted by bockersjv View Post
Still a pointless post in the wrong section.

If you want one buy it now. If you want to worry about maemo6 or 7 or 8 or..... then just wait and keep waiting. It is the same with all fast moving technologies, in the end if you need it buy now, if you can wait then wait.
Valid question in a valid section, again, please take some time to think about what you are writing. Telling people that if they need it now then buy it, but if they can wait, then wait is just ridiculous, you are not helping anyone.


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No one knows when the next Maemo device will be out or if the N900 will be upgradable or to what extent. This section is for posts about the N900 hardware and not pointless speculation on the next device or firmware.
"Hardware-specific discussion about the fourth generation of Internet Tablets."
So the OP is both pointless and in the wrong section. The more appropriate place is the OS/Platform area.

Personally I do not understand people asking if they should buy a device now or wait for the next one. If you cannot make that decision yourself then I very much doubt the N900 is for you.

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Posts: 607 | Thanked: 450 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Washington, DC
To slightly rephrase most of the previous comments:

If the N900 with its current software and current hardware meets your needs and price range, then buy it.

If you are looking for software that doesn't exist yet to run on the N900, then wait until it is officially announced for the N900.

Don't buy on rumor. If you want a device that will run Meego or Maemo 6, don't buy the N900 until Nokia says that Meego or Maemo 6 will run on it.

If the N900 meets your needs and you buy it, nothing new might be added to it but if anything is added in the future it will be a positive.

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