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Does anybody know if it's possible to associate a filetype with a specific application?

I have several excel files that open fine in Gnumeric, but ideally, I'd like to be able to navigate to the file in File Manager, click on the file and have it open Gnumeric with the file loaded. Currently, I can tell it to use Gnumeric, but all it does is start Gnumeric, not load the file. I still have to use "File... Open" within Gnumeric.


* Nokia N800
* Nokia SU-8W Bluetooth keyboard
bizshop's Avatar
Posts: 98 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ Port Angeles, WA
I concur and hope someone has answer. I use a webmail and client attached .rtf files. Clicking on them opens into Notes, I want Abiword. Desktop linux I could right click and use properties to modify. However context mennu on n800 has no properties option
zerojay's Avatar
Posts: 2,669 | Thanked: 2,555 times | Joined on Apr 2007
Edit the proper .xml file in /usr/share/mime/.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2007

i need to do that to read .mht files in the web browser.

i'm a Linux newbie - how do I edit /usr/share/mime? I've tried File manager. Easy when you know how I'm sure... please help!

Posts: 15 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jun 2007
Originally Posted by zerojay View Post
Edit the proper .xml file in /usr/share/mime/.
It's late and I'm in a grouchy mood... sorry, but
I wanted to know the same simple answer. I found it.
What is "proper" file... no example... then why bother to post.

I started playing with Linux in 1992. In those days you could ask a question and get an answer. Fast forward to today... you have to wade through a 200 terabyte thread of stupid replies... like "did you read the manual" (user clearly stated that he did),etc. 18 hours later.... your getting to the bottom of the thread, and you find a lot of questions, with a few who know the answer, but won't tell. This is so lame. So much so, that this has prompted me to create a N800 faq.

I'm going to create a document of N800 tips (that should have taken an hour to find), and put in .CHM format for Windows users, and .PDB format for FBreader/Plucker on the N800 and a HTML format.

That way the newbies don't have to suffer. The N800 really is a cool device, but you can't always find answers to simple things... like how to get samba working, mount your MMC card as a windows share, etc.

Ok, griping aside, heres how I got the file associations to work for gnumeric.

Edit the file /usr/share/mime/globs

Then add these two lines:


Now in the file manager, you can click on a file
and have it launch the spreadsheet.

Tip: to turn bluetooth on
/usr/sbin/hciconfig hci0 up

I use the "graph plugin" to launch shell scripts.

Here's another tip to see your ipaddress in python.
import gtk
import hildon
import commands

window = hildon.Window()
window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)
ip = commands.getoutput("/sbin/ifconfig")
label = gtk.Label(ip)


Samba was a hard one to get working, but
I can now mount shares on the N800,
and from the N800 mount shares on either WinXP,
or Ubuntu. Will write it up in the faq.

I just bought a LinkSys NSLU2 media server.
Not much bigger that a pack of cigs. It runs
embedded linux, and I've paired it with a
Western Digital 160GB portable USB drive.

The intention was to put all my movies on it, and
connect it to my Haupauge USB PVR USB2 tv tuner,
so that I could watch and control the TV tuner
from anywhere. I'm having trouble flashing the device though. That's going to be cool.
Connect to my 3G phone, and watch TV remotely from my TV tuner at home. I can't wait to get this working. I haven't gotten around to it yet... same story.... 300 terabytes of questions and stupid answers on various forums. Anyone got this working , let me know.

I'd like to create my first .deb package for the search applet. It should be pretty simple.


holds the files. It's just a simple XML file with the search terms, and .png image. The default install
only has Google and Wikipedia. Really need, PriceWatch, Cnet Reviews, ebay,etc.
I'm surprised that no one has done this yet.

I'm going to try and get that done, and package a
.deb file. Unfortunately, I have so little time to play
with my N800.

Transcoding: How do you guys transcode?

I started using the DivX Converter. It works, but
the files will only play in "MPlayer". They will not play in "Media Player". However, if I use mencoder (both Windows, and Linux) from a batch file.. it works just fine.

I downloaded MPlayer/Mcoder for both Win32/Linux.

Then I do the following:

mencoder $yourfile.ext -o $yourfile.avi -srate 44100 -oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=0:br=96 -af volnorm -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=600 -vf-add crop=812:480 -vf-add scale=400:240 -ofps 14.985 -ffourcc DIVX -noidx -force-avi-aspect 1.69230769230769

This gives pretty good results.

I have (2) 4 gig cards, so I can hold a ton of music
on one, and quite a few 2 hour movies on the other.

As I get more time, I will try and start a N800 blog
with some more tips.

Heads up to thoughtfix, and all of the great vids,
and great reviews.

My decision to buy the N800 was based on thoutfix's and's great reviews. And I'm glad I did.

Newbie tip:
Use OpenSSH instead of the drop-bear client.
This way you can use "WinSCP" to transfer files
wirelessly. To install it go to the garage, or better
yet, search for "sources.list" here.

Google "putty/winscp" for a good ssh/sftp client for windows.

Must have apps: get "Midnight Commander",
and "Links". You can the SSH into your N800
and have basically a real linux box.

Do a "apt-get-install" nginx
and "apt-get-install" php-cgi5

and now you have a cool web sever on your

The Following User Says Thank You to cmideiros For This Useful Post:
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jun 2007
Originally Posted by zerojay View Post
Edit the proper .xml file in /usr/share/mime/.
It's late and I'm in a grouchy mood... sorry, but
I wanted to know the same simple answer. I found it.
What is "proper" file... no example... then why bother to post.

I started playing with Linux in 1992. In those days you could ask a question and get an answer. Fast forward to today... you have to wade through a 200 terabyte thread of stupid replies... like "did you read the manual" (user clearly stated that he did),etc. 18 hours later.... your getting to the bottom of the thread, and you find a lot of questions, with a few who know the answer, but won't tell. This is so lame. So much so, that this has prompted me to create a N800 faq.

I'm going to create a document of N800 tips (that should have taken an hour to find), and put in .CHM format for Windows users, and .PDB format for FBreader/Plucker on the N800 and a HTML format.

That way the newbies don't have to suffer. The N800 really is a cool device, but you can't always find answers to simple things... like how to get samba working, mount your MMC card as a windows share, etc.

Ok, griping aside, heres how I got the file associations to work for gnumeric.

Edit the file /usr/share/mime/globs

Then add these two lines:


Now in the file manager, you can click on a file
and have it launch the spreadsheet.

Tip: to turn bluetooth on
/usr/sbin/hciconfig hci0 up

I use the "graph plugin" to launch shell scripts.

Here's another tip to see your ipaddress in python.
import gtk
import hildon
import commands

window = hildon.Window()
window.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)
ip = commands.getoutput("/sbin/ifconfig")
label = gtk.Label(ip)


Samba was a hard one to get working, but
I can now mount shares on the N800,
and from the N800 mount shares on either WinXP,
or Ubuntu. Will write it up in the faq.

I just bought a LinkSys NSLU2 media server.
Not much bigger that a pack of cigs. It runs
embedded linux, and I've paired it with a
Western Digital 160GB portable USB drive.

The intention was to put all my movies on it, and
connect it to my Haupauge USB PVR USB2 tv tuner,
so that I could watch and control the TV tuner
from anywhere. I'm having trouble flashing the device though. That's going to be cool.
Connect to my 3G phone, and watch TV remotely from my TV tuner at home. I can't wait to get this working. I haven't gotten around to it yet... same story.... 300 terabytes of questions and stupid answers on various forums. Anyone got this working , let me know.

I'd like to create my first .deb package for the search applet. It should be pretty simple.


holds the files. It's just a simple XML file with the search terms, and .png image. The default install
only has Google and Wikipedia. Really need, PriceWatch, Cnet Reviews, ebay,etc.
I'm surprised that no one has done this yet.

I'm going to try and get that done, and package a
.deb file. Unfortunately, I have so little time to play
with my N800.

Transcoding: How do you guys transcode?

I started using the DivX Converter. It works, but
the files will only play in "MPlayer". They will not play in "Media Player". However, if I use mencoder (both Windows, and Linux) from a batch file.. it works just fine.

I downloaded MPlayer/Mcoder for both Win32/Linux.

Then I do the following:

mencoder $yourfile.ext -o $yourfile.avi -srate 44100 -oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=0:br=96 -af volnorm -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=600 -vf-add crop=812:480 -vf-add scale=400:240 -ofps 14.985 -ffourcc DIVX -noidx -force-avi-aspect 1.69230769230769

This gives pretty good results.

I have (2) 4 gig cards, so I can hold a ton of music
on one, and quite a few 2 hour movies on the other.

As I get more time, I will try and start a N800 blog
with some more tips.

Heads up to thoughtfix, and all of the great vids,
and great reviews.

My decision to buy the N800 was based on thoutfix's and's great reviews. And I'm glad I did.

Newbie tip:
Use OpenSSH instead of the drop-bear client.
This way you can use "WinSCP" to transfer files
wirelessly. To install it go to the garage, or better
yet, search for "sources.list" here.

Google "putty/winscp" for a good ssh/sftp client for windows.

Must have apps: get "Midnight Commander",
and "Links". You can the SSH into your N800
and have basically a real linux box.

Do a "apt-get-install" nginx
and "apt-get-install" php-cgi5

and now you have a cool web sever on your

Happy Tableteering.
Posts: 86 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Apr 2007
Originally Posted by cmideiros View Post
Ok, griping aside, heres how I got the file associations to work for gnumeric.

Edit the file /usr/share/mime/globs

Then add these two lines:


Now in the file manager, you can click on a file
and have it launch the spreadsheet.
Did that, filed copies correctly, but still no launching of Gnumeric when I click my "MPG" spreadsheet.

EDIT: Got it to launch gnumeric, but not open the file. Still requires file->open

Last edited by rhouge; 2007-07-07 at 04:41.
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2007 @ Denver, CO
h>olds the files. It's just a simple XML file with the search terms, and .png i>mage. The default install
>only has Google and Wikipedia. Really need, PriceWatch, Cnet >Reviews, ebay,etc.
>I'm surprised that no one has done this yet.

I had the package for Yahoo, MSN but lost it on my last firmware flash.
I also forgot the sight that had the packages also.

>Transcoding: How do you guys transcode?
>I started using the DivX Converter. It works, but
>the files will only play in "MPlayer". They will not play in "Media Player". >However, if I use mencoder (both Windows, and Linux) from a batch file.. it >works just fine.

I use DVD Catalyst GT 1.5 works killer and you can do one click DVD to any device. XBOX, N770, PocketPCs, N800..

Get it becuase its worth evey penny of 20$. no mess real easy to use 1 click transcoding. Some other tread here told me about it and they where right.

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