Like firefox on your desktop, microb browser stores flash video in a temporary directory.
.~ $ ls MyDocs/tmp/Flash*
To keep a video (e.g. youtube) after it finishes streaming to device, leave the browser window open and switch to terminal, then just copy and rename the flash file you find there
.~ $ ls MyDocs/tmp/Flash*
To keep a video (e.g. youtube) after it finishes streaming to device, leave the browser window open and switch to terminal, then just copy and rename the flash file you find there
.~ $ cp MyDocs/tmp/Flash6JwHDO MyDocs/.videos/Whatever.flv
This lets you keep good videos, and playback high definition video that doesnt play in browser!
have fun
find . -name \*.mp3 -exec mplayer -quiet -shuffle "{}" +
das ist your media player, and yuu vill like it