, 10:24
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Joined on Mar 2008
@ Oxford, UK
, 12:34
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Joined on Mar 2010
, 16:18
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Joined on Dec 2009
In the IM/SMS conversation when you're typing a message, beside the text input there's a button that lets you add in emoticons/smilies. This is incredibly useless to me, and I would like to get it changed to access the symbol keys instead. How do I go about doing something like that?
Also on a side note, how can I go about changing some hardware behavior settings? For instance, I'm using the flashlight app, and I would like it to open automatically when I open the camera lid and the phone is locked.
Right now whenever I want to use the flashlight, I will have to first open the camera lid, which opens the camera app. Then I have to close the camera app because it locks the LEDs and flashlight can't use them.
Thanks in advance