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I got my 770 to pair with a Treo 650 after some finagling. There are two tricks to this:

- The Treo has to be put into DUN mode before the 770 attempts to discover it. (The Treo has a terrible bluetooth implementation. It can do DUN, but enabling DUN prevents any applications on the Treo from being able to access the data network.) If you don't enable DUN on the Treo first, the 770 will report that the phone does not support the required services.

- You have to specify a CID in the dial string. The 770 defaults to dialing *99#, but it only worked for me after I changed it to *99***1#

- The settings I use for Cingular's unlimited Data Connect plan are: isp.cingular (APN), ISP@CINGULARGPRS.COM (user name), CINGULAR1 (password)

So, this got it basically working, but I still have one big problem. Every time I initiate a DUN connection from the 770 to the Treo, it makes me re-pair. This is very irritating because you can't just leave the phone in your bag -- you have to pull it out to re-enter the PIN for pairing every time the 770 tries to connect.

The 770 shows up on the Treo's "trusted devices" list, so I have no idea why this is happening. If anyone figures this out, please let me know!
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I had a Treo 650, and also had the same pairing issues. I was able to get it paired, but the trust was never created. I had to accept the connection on my Treo before internet would go through. I was sick of the PalmOS anyway, so sold it on eBay and got a Nokia 6682 - problem solved. The only thing I miss is the full keyboard.
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I have to pair it everytime on the Sprint version too. I think it's because the 770 doesn't have a discovery mode and so theres no way pair FROM the 650.
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There is a hack for making the 770 discoverable.. You need to enable root on the 770 and "hciconfig hci0 piscan" from an xterm.

I tried this, then paired to the 770 from the Treo, but it didn't seem to make any difference. I'm still prompted for a pairing passcode on each connection.
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Any Treo users find any hack or workaround for this yet? I've since been able to get a PowerBook and a Tablet PC online using DUN on the Treo, without having to re-pair every time. The 770 is still holding out.

Has anyone tried it with today's newly released 770 firmware?
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I do not have this problem with my un-branded Treo 650. Paired once and has been working just fine ever since.

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pdq, do you haveto enter a passcode each time? If not, how did you pair the first time?
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No, I don't have to enter a passcode. I used the built-in wizard for pairing. At one point it asked for a pin code and the text entry field already contained a four-digit numeric pin. I confirmed that, a window popped up on the treo, I entered that same pin there. There was an error message about some features not being supported by the phone. Nevertheless, dial-up worked fine after I selected my provider (t-mobile in germany). I'm using software 2.2005.45-7 (rd-enabled with flasher).

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Sprint Treo 650 works fine, but you do have to enter a passcode every time you connect. I'm just glad it works at all!
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Dec 2005
May be, when entering the pin on the Treo during initial pairing, you overlooked that checkbox where it says "Add to trusted devices"

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