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speculatrix's Avatar
Posts: 880 | Thanked: 264 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Cambridge, UK

"equivalent to a screen with edge dimensions sqrt(256/384)=82% of the claimed length, or (480*82%)*(800*82%) = 392*653 = 256k"

I had early hands-on as friend works at google and I recall thinking the display was nowhere near as sharp as a Droid/Milestone I'd played with a few days before.
Fujitsu U820, HTC Vision/G2/DesireZ, Nokia N800 770 E71, Zaurus 6000, Palm T3, Zaurus C3100 - stolen

Last edited by speculatrix; 2010-03-25 at 13:45.

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Posts: 67 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Danmark
it's google, what did you expect. I'm actually wondering if they use the phone to track your movement and then sell the data to marketing call centers so that they know what to try to sell you... ))
cashclientel's Avatar
Posts: 663 | Thanked: 282 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ London, UK
Interesting article.
Nokia are a business and have chosen a path of using the OSS community phenomenon to reduce their overheads specifically after sales support and development. Unlike Apple who do the opposite and make a killing from their Applications store.
Posts: 180 | Thanked: 82 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Miami
Originally Posted by emeni View Post
it's google, what did you expect. I'm actually wondering if they use the phone to track your movement and then sell the data to marketing call centers so that they know what to try to sell you... ))
this is actually true lol and they have a patent for it to. They use your location so that local business's can advertise on your phone. Sounds horrible but nowhere as near as bad as iad for the iphone. They will randomly put ads on the iphone and you are forced to watch it, you can't exit it (unless you want to place an emergency call), and to top it off, you have to press buttons once in a while so they know you're watching and you didn't just have the phone in your pocket. This is expecting to release within a month.
Posts: 159 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Jan 2010
i was conteplating buying this, now with 3g problesm it had and the screen resoultion not being 480*800 i'm kinda glad i didn't.

it's just so hard to buy an unlocked 3g phone with tmo aws.
Posts: 3,664 | Thanked: 1,530 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Hamilton, New Zealand
wow this is terrible quality screen. Anything bright will become colour lol. The black and white become almost coloured as the original file.
Posts: 3,664 | Thanked: 1,530 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Hamilton, New Zealand
I've tested on N900 and yes those images displayed like it should no colour or greeny

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