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Originally Posted by rpgAmazon View Post
Abill, you're right. I never accepted some kind of "as is" clausule when I open my N900 box, neither when I first boot it... YOU MUST DO IT WHEN YOU BUY A PC, so hardware manufacturers can deny software-related issues (at first Windows start you must accept "as is" ). This mean that SOFT BUGS ARE UNDER WARRANTY.
Well said and is also an important fact to point out, lets have more If everyone will just get together realise what has happened for real here then Nokia will start to look a bit red faced to say the least but i have a weird feeling they are laughing at everyone for buying the N900 at the price they put it at.
Just for the record though i would like to state here that i was an avid user of Nokia as i still own and use the following .. 5220 express music, 5800 express music nav edition, the N900 was a replacement for my stolen E90 communicator and has let me down badly, also only 3 mobiles in my life were not made by Nokia. countless numbers i have gone through ALL Nokia ! so i think i have a right somehow to have a moan and a groan... i am waiting like everyone else to see just what NOKIA will do with this N900.
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i like to speculate on how much free rootfs i need to have!
yesterday i tried to clean up, i had around 40MB now 53MB and the things i now have installed i rather not uninstall..
So will 53MB be enough,, i am afraid it wont be

I cant believe that 1.2 is a may thing. Because that would mean that over a month nobody can download new stuff anymore from extras! because they all seems to depend on the new libs because extras is now using 1.2 SDK to build.
I would say that then extras should also push out those dependency libs. because i find it a bit weird that you just cant install anything anymore if you dont upgrade (or cant upgrade maybe UK/Voda customers are also again left behind)
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Originally Posted by abubakar View Post
for me this is just what I expect to happen. After all this is the main area for n900 chats. Who buys n900? A lot of ppl who shouldnt have And so we have a combination of all the funny and angry ppl, kids and adults, around the *main* area of tmo. Just the nature of the room.
it is sad that itt has evolved to something like this. people were saying "its only momentarily bump downwards when new people arrive" but it has been constant downhill and new threads are getting stupider and stupider.

I'd be ready to vote for a dictator for tmo moderation.... too much noise, too much good stuff getting buried behind all the crap.

as an afterthought: tmo wasn't ready at all for this. yes it was nice and quiet before n900 was launched and everything worked fine. but now the situation has changed. this would probably be ok to me if I wouldn't been registered originally to itt and have knowledge about how things were before.
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Originally Posted by pasih View Post
When I bought my N900 it was pretty obvious to me what it can and what it cannot do. I don't understand people here raging about being misled or being surprised at what they spent their money on. Of course if you were misled by the store you bought the N900 from then it's up to that store to be responsible for giving false information. But I haven't seen any false advertising from Nokia about N900. They have been actually quite open about N900 being a bit of a nerd device and that it's not complete package like their Symbian phones are. And N900 can do things Nokia says it can.

Sure I wish also that there was much more software for N900, but then again I knew that I wasn't buying an iPhone with thousands of apps ready for it. I find the whole linux-thing fascinating (I'm a mac & windows 7 user myself) and its fun to try out new free software that's coming almost daily.

So I'm just saying that you can do tons of stuff with N900 at the moment. I surf the net with it, read RSS-feeds with it, play poker with it (I'm actually a bit addicted to PokerTH at the moment), write stuff with the nice keyboard etc etc. I mean really, sometimes it's good to focus on the positives and forget what you can't do with the device you own.

I don't know whether my next device will be MeeGo-device, but at the moment I'm happy with N900. I must admit iPhone with its absolutely enormous library of apps is appealing, and maybe I'll buy iPhone one day (when it's more like N900 really).

Sadly i have to tell you that your soooo wrong here, for example... since when was it obvious that one cannot topup or dial any numbers beggining with a * or hash , not able to recieve MMS , not able to fully use any functions that we have become so used too from previous Nokia mobiles... i can quote many many more problems with the N900 that were simply not stated when and before the hype began telling everyone this is the best thing since sliced bread !

ok its open software based but for what ? usless games that were about 30 years ago ??? not even the GOS works properly and also much of this developers software is all kids stuff... is this really all we can expect in the year 2010 from Nokia ? since buying this N900 in december last i have never had a full day without some problematic issue ... and right now my N900 is very very sadly being used to connect to the internet 24/7 because of the issues with it so best to not take it out with me even that way no headache.... ok for you childish gamers would be 2010 developers but sadly this IS 2010 and we just expect more ok.
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Originally Posted by pasih View Post
When I bought my N900 it was pretty obvious to me what it can and what it cannot do. I don't understand people here raging about being misled or being surprised at what they spent their money on. Of course if you were misled by the store you bought the N900 from then it's up to that store to be responsible for giving false information. But I haven't seen any false advertising from Nokia about N900. They have been actually quite open about N900 being a bit of a nerd device and that it's not complete package like their Symbian phones are. And N900 can do things Nokia says it can.

Sure I wish also that there was much more software for N900, but then again I knew that I wasn't buying an iPhone with thousands of apps ready for it. I find the whole linux-thing fascinating (I'm a mac & windows 7 user myself) and its fun to try out new free software that's coming almost daily.

So I'm just saying that you can do tons of stuff with N900 at the moment. I surf the net with it, read RSS-feeds with it, play poker with it (I'm actually a bit addicted to PokerTH at the moment), write stuff with the nice keyboard etc etc. I mean really, sometimes it's good to focus on the positives and forget what you can't do with the device you own.

I don't know whether my next device will be MeeGo-device, but at the moment I'm happy with N900. I must admit iPhone with its absolutely enormous library of apps is appealing, and maybe I'll buy iPhone one day (when it's more like N900 really).
Only a fanboy or a person that hasnt done any research could say that Nokia is advertising the n900 properly.So either you are a fanboy or you have no idea what you are talking about.
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Well said !!!!!
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The most amazing thing of this trolls(I'm)vsFanboys is that fanboys really belive they're the "mature" ones... well, when I was child, coding assembler for my CPC and Amiga, I lived all that "I'm a developer" they feel now with N900 (sure they are python-monsters)
But now, I work, I need WHAT NOKIA TOLD US WE WILL HAVE with N900 without bugs. No, I have not time to code-it-my-self dear boys, perhaps you have all that spare time, but we, the "trolls", don't.
They feel part of "something big", they want things "go back"... because some time ago they were "so cool, so coders".
We only want a usable and stable smartPHONE... THAT'S NOKIA SELL US. (blah blah blah "it's not a phone" blah blah blah blah )
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Originally Posted by cryox92 View Post
Only a fanboy or a person that hasnt done any research could say that Nokia is advertising the n900 properly.So either you are a fanboy or you have no idea what you are talking about.
Or marketing is different in different markets.
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
Sadly i have to tell you that your soooo wrong here, for example... since when was it obvious that one cannot topup or dial any numbers beggining with a * or hash , not able to recieve MMS , not able to fully use any functions that we have become so used too from previous Nokia mobiles... i can quote many many more problems with the N900 that were simply not stated when and before the hype began telling everyone this is the best thing since sliced bread !

ok its open software based but for what ? usless games that were about 30 years ago ??? not even the GOS works properly and also much of this developers software is all kids stuff... is this really all we can expect in the year 2010 from Nokia ? since buying this N900 in december last i have never had a full day without some problematic issue ... and right now my N900 is very very sadly being used to connect to the internet 24/7 because of the issues with it so best to not take it out with me even that way no headache.... ok for you childish gamers would be 2010 developers but sadly this IS 2010 and we just expect more ok.
Meh i have now owned the N900 4 months and i have no problems with the device and i absolutely love it. I buy new phone every 6 months so the MeeGo part isn't a problem to me if it doesn't happen, but because of that i can also tell you that the grass isn't always greener on the other side(that said i have yet to test maybe the most interesting OS, Android that will also probally be inside of my next phone).
I would have really wanted to see you in SE forums with Satio or Omnia HD was not able to get one update out while N97 keeped getting kinetic scrolling and what not I did love the hardware of Omnia HD thought.

I'm going to point out one thing about N900 that doesn't change anything if you don't like N900, but just to give you an idea as i have been following Maemo 5 developing closely for a year in here.
N900 isn't advertised at all. There's 10 N97 ads for every N900 ad(actually i haven't ever seen Nokia d for N900). Every Nokia flagship phone since the very start have been made in Nokia's finnish factory and it happen to be Nokia's second largest factory, but it makes only N and E series phones. N97 is made in Finland and it could keep up easily with the 2 million sold in first 2 months. N900 in a other hand is made in Korea and China that struggled to have enough devices even with the limited countries getting N900 first. There's still 2-4 weeks wait in here to get your N900 after it being out 4-5 months.
Then you can add the downplay Nokia made about N900 in Nokia World that was talked in here quite alot, including the N900 is just a 4th step in a 5 step plan(rarely you here something like that in a product announcement and being said over and over again by Nokia execs). it just happened to be that in the world of internet N900 was taken by the blogs and review pages as Nokia's god phone. That's also one of the reasons why i think we got so much of wrong information about N900 floating here.
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works for me
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