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Posts: 147 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Sep 2009
I'll try it as soon as you will tell exactly how to do it
i already have the accelemymote package downloaded (since yesterday) i ownloaded your file .gz, where do i copy it and what do i do after (step by step).
Sorry for my questions, but i'm really new in this kind of things
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Beirut, Lebanon
Well since the last 2 wads i used were incompatible with PrBoom , would u be kind enough and link me to a supported wads site , and thanks again.
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Originally Posted by mkaaki View Post
Well since the last 2 wads i used were incompatible with PrBoom , would u be kind enough and link me to a supported wads site , and thanks again.
There are thousands here and they should be compatible. You probably need your own retail iwad to use most of them:

The only supported wads are the shareware, retail, and freedoom wads because i don't have time to try everything else, but if you find that you can't get any of the vanilla wads to work with the retail iwad and prboom, there could be a problem worth investigating.

Unofficial PR1.3/Meego 1.1 FAQ

Classic example of arbitrary Nokia decision making. Couldn't just fallback to the no brainer of tagging with lat/lon if network isn't accessible, could you Nokia?
MAME: an arcade in your pocket
Accelemymote: make your accelerometer more joy-ful

Last edited by Flandry; 2010-02-24 at 22:46. Reason: Flying monkeys attacked!
Posts: 147 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Sep 2009
[QUOTE=Flandry;544444]And here it is. If you want to play PrBoom with rudimentary accelerometer control right now, i made a script to simplify things a bit. Install the accelemymote package and download the attached script. Untar it and run it and you'll get fullscreen prboom with accelerometer control...

More detailed instructions:

Download it to N900,

Where in the N900 ?

open an xterm and type
tar -xzf MyDocs/prboom-joy
then press Tab to complete and enter.

Do i need to sudo gainroot to do it ?

To run it type:

Do i need to sudo gainroot to do it ?

I'm very carefull right now
Posts: 353 | Thanked: 263 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Finland
Originally Posted by tangs View Post
Download it to N900,

Where in the N900 ?

open an xterm and type
tar -xzf MyDocs/prboom-joy
then press Tab to complete and enter.

Do i need to sudo gainroot to do it ?

To run it type:

Do i need to sudo gainroot to do it ?
According to instructions you download it to MyDocs (/home/user/MyDocs/ = folder N900 in file browser). And you don't need to sudo gainroot.

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Posts: 147 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Well, it's just working fine now, i've got doom in full screen !
There is still the accelerometer that is too sensible on right and left and the 45 degres angle to fix and it will be wonderfull
Posts: 248 | Thanked: 66 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Birmingham
First off great work!!

Installed PrBoom from extras, removed all but "prboom.wad" from /opt/doom/wads, copied in doom.wad had a play around, then removed doom.wad and copied in doom2.wad, again works great!

Installed the accelerometer GUI that works great too (left a comment on that thread)

BTW: found using the acc for forward and back and the left/right arrows for left and right works really well as an alternative to just using the acc

Last edited by davedickson; 2010-03-05 at 15:07.

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Just tried it, working great!

Feature suggestion: Force feedback via vibration motor. The PalmOS version of ZDoom has this (vibrates when you get hurt).
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Venlo-Blerick, The Netherlands
In order to prevent renaming or moving wads when wanting to switch between The Ultimate Doom and Doom II: Hell on Earth, I've made two new desktop shortcuts and copied my retail DOS/Windows Doom and Doom II installs over to the VFAT portion of the N900's memory via USB. The paths being:

Make sure dirs and filenames are in lower case.
To make a new Doom shortcut, open xterm, then:

cd /usr/share/applications/hildon/
cp prboom.desktop doom.desktop
Use leafpad, vi or whatever to edit doom.desktop:
vi doom.desktop
Edit the Exec line so it looks like this:
Exec=/opt/prboom/prboom -iwad /home/user/MyDocs/games/doom/doom.wad

Now make another shortcut for Doom II:
cd /usr/share/applications/hildon/
cp doom.desktop doom2.desktop
Use leafpad or vi to edit doom2.desktop:
vi doom2.desktop
Name=Doom II
Edit the Exec line so it looks like this:
Exec=/opt/prboom/prboom -iwad /home/user/MyDocs/games/doom2/doom2.wad

Now we should have working Doom and Doom II shortcuts.
I've also deleted the shareware doom1 wad and prboom desktop shorcut after checking it all worked:
rm /home/opt/doom/wads/doom.wad
rm /usr/share/applications/hildon/prboom.desktop
Slightly off topic: Now with Doom and Doom II being last, I've actually have all the fps games on my N900 set up to load the game media from the VFAT portion of the N900's memory (accessible from USB), so I basically just copied my dos/windows installs over to /home/user/MyDocs/games/. The .sh scripts and desktop shortcuts on my N900 are set up to accommodate this. This way its really easy to throw some mission packs and mods in for the quake games, without too much hassle. To finish it off, one could easily optify the binaries that aren't optified by moving stuff around.

command lines (bash scripts):
  • edited /usr/bin/wolf3d to look for the new path
  • edited /usr/bin/spearofdestiny to look for the new path
  • /opt/prboom/prboom -fullscreen -width 800 -height 480 -iwad /home/user/MyDocs/games/doom/doom.wad "$*"
  • /opt/prboom/prboom -fullscreen -width 800 -height 480 -iwad /home/user/MyDocs/games/doom2/doom2.wad "$*"
  • edited /usr/bin/duke3d to look for the new path
  • /opt/quake/sdlquake -basedir /home/user/MyDocs/games/quake -heapsize 65536 -zone 512 -noipx -nocdaudio -winsize 800 480 -fullscreen "$*"
  • /opt/quake2/sdlquake2 +set cddir /home/user/MyDocs/games/quake2 +set basedir /opt/quake2 +set sw_mode 15 "$*"
  • /usr/bin/ioquake3.arm +set fs_basepath /home/user/MyDocs/games/quake3 +set r_customwidth 800 +set r_customheight 480 +set r_mode -1 "$*"

Last edited by cure; 2010-05-31 at 22:17.

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Posts: 1,559 | Thanked: 1,786 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Boston
Originally Posted by cure View Post
In order to prevent renaming or moving wads when wanting to switch between The Ultimate Doom and Doom II: Hell on Earth, I've made two new desktop shortcuts and copied my retail DOS/Windows Doom and Doom II installs over to the VFAT portion of the N900's memory via USB. The paths being:

Thanks a lot for posting these detailed instructions for everyone. That's the kind of help with my port projects i really appreciate.

To finish it off, one could easily optify the binaries that aren't optified by moving stuff around.
I know you didn't say it wasn't, but lest anyone misunderstand, PrBoom is fully optified already.

Unofficial PR1.3/Meego 1.1 FAQ

Classic example of arbitrary Nokia decision making. Couldn't just fallback to the no brainer of tagging with lat/lon if network isn't accessible, could you Nokia?
MAME: an arcade in your pocket
Accelemymote: make your accelerometer more joy-ful

arcade, doom, fps, fremantle, game, id software, maemo 5, prboom, shooter, wad

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