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Here is how it works for me, its painful and it really upsets me having to do it this way... I think Nokia should get this working as a main priority, anyways...

Enter the usual params ( 443 secure connection etc)
If the process gets stuck, just open your n900 browser and go to
Enter the captcha code, submit
Start the sync again.
In advanced settings/calendar choose 'create new'
It should go all the way through the first import.

After that, the normal sync update does not work, so I set it to manual sync (not automatic sync)
whenever I want to sync I have to go to the address above, unlock the captcha, then go to the mfE settings and trigger a FULL RESYNC

I didnt find any other way around and I have no idea of why this works.. its cumbersome and annoying but at least it works...


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The general bug conserning the sync via exchange is that the something don't support sync of more then a 5-10 entry's from the devise to the server or sync of pictures from the device. But it is no problem to sync hundreds of contacts or pictures from gmail.

I managed to workaround this by saving the contacts entry's to files on the phone deleting the contact list and adding five entry's from the files(the easiest way to do this is true the file-manager) sync agenst the server adding five more sync and repeating until all contact is added.
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2009
In theory the N900 should sync through MfE. In practice I have found it completely unreliable. It fails consistently. I have redone my settings following various guidelines that propose to fix Google synce but to no avail. Yesterday I tried Nuevasync. It has been working perfectly. Now MfE syncs mail contacts and calendar with push just the way MfE worked on my E71. I am not sure what the problem with the implementation of MfE on the N900 is but if you want your Google accounts synced through MfE then this is the best solution I have been able to find. I did several test back and forth adding and deleteing events on my phone and on Google and it pushed changes within seconds. I have been frustrated with Google sync since I got the N900 three months ago. Ideally MfE on the N900 should just work with Google but until that time this works splendidly.
Posts: 293 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Fremantle, W. Australia
edQ, I think you may be confused about what MfE is. (or am I?)
MfE is not a standard. It is software from microsoft. The N900 supports Exchange 2003 and 2007.
Google does not use exchange, but emulates it. This does not work with N900, so whose fault? Nobody! because there is no specification to follow.
Its the fault of all of us for using a non-standard sync mechanism. Its the fault of Microsoft for being evil and proprietary.
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by myk View Post
edQ, I think you may be confused about what MfE is. (or am I?)
MfE is not a standard. It is software from microsoft. The N900 supports Exchange 2003 and 2007.
Google does not use exchange, but emulates it. This does not work with N900, so whose fault? Nobody! because there is no specification to follow.
Its the fault of all of us for using a non-standard sync mechanism. Its the fault of Microsoft for being evil and proprietary.
Yeah don't think I referred to MfE was a standard. Sorry if you misunderstood. The thread is on getting Google calendar and contacts to sync with N900. I found a way to sync not only contacts and calendar but email as well using MfE. It solved an issue I was having and thought others might find useful.

As for whose fault I lean toward Nokia at this point. Google may be emulating exchange but My E71 using MfE worked flawlessly with Google; my wife's iPhone using MfE also works with Google. So most MfE clients work fine with whatever Google is doing; except the N900 client.
Posts: 293 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Fremantle, W. Australia
yeah, what i mean is that you are not really using MfE. You are using something pretending to be MfE. Its all a mess, but since Nokia already have a working implementation for Symbian, you'd think they would be able to port the guts of the code to maemo. Maybe if we saw the source code, we would shudder in horror and sympathise.

The real problem is that lack of a proper standard, IMO.
So one cannot "implement" MfE as you put it. Its all a big mess.
Two-way sync seems to be a very difficult thing to do, judging by how many problems I have seen in various programs.
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Thanks for clarification, I see where you are going from. Does seem odd that they can get it to work on symbian but not N900. Guess I will just have to pony up the $25 a year for Nuevasync for now. Maybe by next year this will be fixed and I can use Nokia's native client for free.
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For those who are looking for just calendar sync, Lorelai is working on an app called Erminig which does two way multiple calendar syncing for Google. The nice thing about that app is that you can sync to multiple calendars on the N900 unlike the nuevasync solution. I believe he is working on scripts to do timed sync as well as an expansion to do contact sync as well.
more here....
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I always thought when it rang early it was just giving a warning. My N95 used to always ring at 11:45...
Posts: 53 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Damn, as a new user, I wish it was less confusing to find out how (or if?!) I can sync my Google contacts and N900 contacts.

Can anyone point me towards instructions, please?

EDIT: I've found some instructions on how to sync Contacts, and they are very simple!

For me, it took 2 syncs. The first one synched the calendar (but only 50 events, it must be just a month forward and back) and the second manual sync sorted out the contacts. I was deleting all the contacts on the phone and replacing with my Contacts from Google Apps and it seems to have worked very well.

That's a relief!!

Last edited by edanto; 2010-04-12 at 08:20.

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