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I agree. *****ing and moaning sends a much stronger message than just disappearing. It might be irritating for people who are (or like to think they are) happy with the product, but some of the irritation stems from the fact that you know he's right.

I really, really hate the camera stuttering that happens 50% of the time for me too.
Read about my N900 experiences from my blog.

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Thanks for all the comments guys. Maybe MeeGo will turn things around and give you the device we all want, but I am tired of waiting, don't forget I was burned by the N97 last summer, before being loyal and moving onto the N900.

Yes it's a great device, speedy, never crashes for me. Just a bit fiddly, and not enough apps to keep me happy. Some of the games my 5 year old son downloads to my wife's iphone blow the N900 out the water, let alone all the other stuff that's available.

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Nokia is loosing the battle on App-hungry clients with Maemo right now. That is a fact, no offense on the OS developers that have put their nights on making the existing apps work. But to the less tech savvy and bling oriented users we have nothing atm. and won't have until we get support for payed content in Ovi-store.

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Blah blah blah .... merge with other stupid thread please
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In December I sold my N900 to get a 3GS for the same reasons.
One month ago I was fed up with being caught in a cage by a company that acts like the chinese government. And YES I jailbroke it the day I bought the iPhone but jailbreaking doesn't do everything for you.
Well I finally sold the iPhone to get the N900 again. I feel free now.
Oh and by the way: Having used the N900 before, the iPhone feel's like a phone that was designed for first graders.

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i think the n900 doesn't need a gazillion apps but it's surerly lacking in games, what it needs is a few dozen quality games and functional apps which there are quite a few decent functional type ones already.

Where the n900 also differs is the UI of the apps, i would certainly like to see more design go into them.

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Originally Posted by berty View Post
Thanks for all the comments guys. Maybe MeeGo will turn things around and give you the device we all want, but I am tired of waiting, don't forget I was burned by the N97 last summer, before being loyal and moving onto the N900.

Yes it's a great device, speedy, never crashes for me. Just a bit fiddly, and not enough apps to keep me happy. Some of the games my 5 year old son downloads to my wife's iphone blow the N900 out the water, let alone all the other stuff that's available.
Nokia have never understood the concept of applications driving the demand for their devices and is destined to fail with the current situation.

It started earlier this year when the 'free' version of OVI maps was released but Nokia specifically left-out then n900.
This upset a few people and someone from Nokia was talking about the next version of maemo being supported - not the current version on then n900.

People started questioning if the n900 was being made obsolete and what was the future of maemo 5.

Then absolute silence from Nokia - no roadmap, no announcements or assurances for third-party software developers - nothing.

The uncertainty about the future of maemo/n900 made people question "why would you develop anything for maemo?" What third-party software developer would invest writing software for a platform that was potentially obsolete?
The OVI store was constantly delayed and as far as maemo is concerned an utter failure.

Then a new version was in the pipeline - maemo 6 /harmatten - then an announcement of MeeGo.
Nokia are constantly changing their stratagy and not telling anybody about it.
Alot of these developments were and are still only rumours.

Microsoft, Apple and Google are far more supportive towards their third-party software developers because they understand that a platform is useless without a decent selection of software.
The software developers are the most important part of the whole process.
Nokia do not understand this and this is why they will never be a major player in the growing application market.
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Originally Posted by eikido View Post
How often does apple bring FW updates to the iPhone compared to nokia and N900? Anyone has a clue?
Firmware updates are not everything. Other platforms have applications available which can replace system components. Show me good 3rd party calendar which can be used on Nokia N900 (gpe-calendar does not count).
irc: hrw
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Originally Posted by berty View Post
Thought that would be the response.
Well you are generally not allowed to say anything negative about the N900.

To those suggesting he just tags on to an existing thread yes it would be good to add to an existing thread but who is going to read it? People tend to read new threads and as far as I am aware there is no way on this website that shows if someone has added something to a thread you have previously posted on.
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Unfortunately nobody is willing to accept any criticism about the n900 and help improve the situation.

Most people get defensive then react and start acting stupid.

It would make more sense to actually try and understand why people are unhappy with the n900 and then try and fix it.

There are apps being released all the time for the n900 and more people should get involved with testing a few apps. More apps will find their way out of the testing-repo and into the extras-repo thus making them more visible to users.

The problem is Nokia are finding it very hard to attract commerical application developers to the platfrom.
If more applications were available to purchase then the money generated could be used to invest into the platfrom.
Without this the maemo/MeeGo development with Nokia devices will fail.

Thankfully the community is very active and releaseing software for the n900.
I like cake.

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