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Minimo already works with my bank. Btw, after installing this no matter if you switch the engines or not, the browser will now have ugly little padding around the app, just like the other apps have. It's a problem with hildon theming and probably will be fixed someday.
Texrat's Avatar
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Minimo wouldn't work with my bank, for me anyway, and turned out to be problematic for me in general.
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disq: thanks.
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Posts: 304 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Barcelona, Spain
I don't seem to be able to install this. I get this :

Anybody knows what to do against this?

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Last edited by Toontje; 2007-07-17 at 21:28.
Posts: 3,401 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ London, UK
Originally Posted by sondjata View Post
Is it just me or is the vertical scroll bar a bit too far indented in the "normal
view". I can click at the very edge of the screen (not on scroll bar) and get the scroll bar to move. When I go full screen the scroll bar is where it should be though.
Possibly - to me this is one thing that makes the Internet Tablet UI look naff, and shoud be fixed sooner than later. Bug #1252 references the problem though there is no clear indication of what will be done about it.
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I'm pretty stoked by this announcement - Mozilla on Maemo has been a long time coming! So glad it's here at last, and I hope 770 owners can benefit as well once an improved OS 2007HE arrives!

The Mozilla browser is working quite well for me - I like the fast back cache, and caching of other pages does seem to work which wasn't the case with Opera at all. I'm having trouble with the virtual keyboard on some sites - it appears then disappears - but I've found that hitting the center d-pad allows the finger keyboard to appear and I can then enter any text I need to.

Other than that it's working pretty well for a beta. And let's be honest, this beta is about as stable as a release version of Opera! And this beta has a ton more features!! Looking good for the future, goodbye Opera - you had your chance and blew it.

Last edited by Milhouse; 2007-07-17 at 21:43.
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Voted on that bug Mil. Of course, I had to log in twice to bugzilla to do it... :/
Posts: 71 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jan 2006
For those running OS2007 on 770 - this will not work on your system yet. It's linked to the libraries in the new OS2007. Until there is an update to HE, or until someone can figure out how to get those new libraries installed on your 2007on770 build, you have to wait.
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As far as dead space right of the scroll bar - tablet screens such as this face sensitivity issues around the edges, which would explain the need for some buffer space. Putting it too close to the edge might prompt complaints that the scroll bar is 'unresponsive'. A well designed UI for portable tablets takes into consideration the limitations of the hardware.
Posts: 751 | Thanked: 522 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ East Gowanus
The ability to do google reader is for me the best thing out of this update. The last couple of days have seen some nice beta releases out of Nokia that have really made this device a lot meore special... its too bad the press will only report on the Skype addition which is probably the most INSIGNIFICANT update to have occurred.

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