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So my wife and I are doing charity runs. Eventually we hope to do a half-marathon and maybe someday, a full marathon. Anyone here do charity runs, or at least just run a lot?

if so, any training techniques to get further and further? We're currently hitting a wall at the 5-6 mile mark.
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hawaii's Avatar
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Here's what I've found for building my stamina - ridiculously quickly.

I run hard until I am tired out. Walk until I collect myself, run hard again until I am tired out and continue the process. I do this for about 20 minutes and I have personally noticed a huge increase in stamina/longevity.
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Posts: 155 | Thanked: 118 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Ontario, Canada
Done a few (even ran the London Marathon as a toilet).

A few thoughts:

The wall will extend, just keep on training.
Use the 10% rule - don't increase your distance more than 10% week over week (for me this applies to weekly totals as well as long run distance or time)
Mix your runs for interest and stamina - what hawaii was talking of is pretty much a fartlek (yes, I know...) - having fun on short runs can include, for instance, 'run really fast every time you see a red car until the next car comes along' - you never know when you need to run fast or for how long.
Do hill training once a week. Find a nice hill, run up it, walk down, repeat, increase number of repeats per week.
Do one, perhaps two long runs per week, increase the distance as you go.
Do a few short runs per week.
Don't run or train if you feel crappy - keep a track of your resting heartrate - it'll tell you when your body doesn't feel 100%
Run smart, and have fun doing it.
The running room here in Canada also has a 10 minute interval pattern for long runs - run 10, walk 1. It's worked for me in the past.
Marathons are hard, although fun. Train hard for them...
Join other runners in your area (run clubs abound)

PM me if you have any questions
broken pencil
Posts: 751 | Thanked: 522 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ East Gowanus
My wife is an avid runner (she was a high school cross country champion). She runs up to 8 to 12 miles when she is training. She decided to train for the marathon and has suffered a few injuries as a result of improper training and has now learned about proper methods of training for her age.

- join a good running group with expert runners, a good place to find these are at your local runners store

- buy a book for inspiration especially when it comes to long distance running which is a battle of wills (she has the book 'Marathon' and I recently got her 'Born to run'

- Don't push yourself too hard, build up your runs consistently and have a goal. Getting your stamina up incrementally is the only way to increase your distance without potential for injury.

You are already doing the charity runs which is great, she runs in a race for charity probably every month and works this into her training routine so that she has a nice goal and enjoys the 'event' aspect of them.
I physically can't join her unfortunately due to a few knee injuries I have suffered but join her on my bike frequently as her waterboy

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