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tissot's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Patola View Post
It's not in the future. PR1.2 has been available internally (see the bugfixes dates) for a very long time. It's a great sign of disrespect from Nokia towards its customers. If I lived in Europe or the US I'd try to find some law that would allow me to sue Nokia for the unavailability of this update. In my country, I would have some merit to that based at least on false advertising (the bugzilla records, the availability of PR1.2 on scratchbox and so on). Too bad I can't do that because I imported it from the US and it is not released here
This is exactly the reason Nokia shouldn't even release the information it does now. Not to even talk about releasing release dates for updates(like already said non of the big phone manufacturer does).

You would have probally had heart attack with Droids fw already. Maybe the best option for you would be any of the phone manufacturers that don't release zero information about coming updates. With Samsung you can be happy to even get one fw update.

I want the fw update like anybody else here, but that just sounds childish. I'm sorry.
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Originally Posted by rpgAmazon View Post
Well good bye boys, I will be banned:

Today I discovered that if you post asking for Ari fired of her job, you are insulting Ari, insulting community and if you don't allow your post to be deleted, then you are banned.

Well, then I must leave, this post of course will be deleted and I will be banned forever.
So my next trip will be, starting with comments to Nokia-Maemo-N900 device posts, so other people could be able to know about the "open" and "community" rules of

Regards to a lot of you, Bye to the others.

And, After 1h 30m this post is still not deleted and you're online, can we say that is open enough?

I don't think it's offending or harmful to say "X must be fired, because (s)he's not doing his work properly", sure it is meaningless, but people have right to say that. I'm sure your post will never be removed.

/* Damn, I'm posting on PR1.2 thread. I'm doomed */

Edit: By the way, It is May 1 here, I think Nokia promised to release new SSU on March/April, am I correct?

Last edited by Aranel; 2010-05-01 at 16:40.
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Originally Posted by optimistprime View Post
The word is spelled "spelled", not spelt. Please go back to third grade grammar class.
The language is English not American.
Thank you.
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Originally Posted by Patola View Post
Maybe only if you stop with the obvious, blatant unawareness that Nokia has gone out of its way to disrespect its customers?

No, it won't. It did two months ago in Scratchbox and a few days ago in HK. It's more than enough to have been tested extensively.

It's not in the future. PR1.2 has been available internally (see the bugfixes dates) for a very long time. It's a great sign of disrespect from Nokia towards its customers. If I lived in Europe or the US I'd try to find some law that would allow me to sue Nokia for the unavailability of this update. In my country, I would have some merit to that based at least on false advertising (the bugzilla records, the availability of PR1.2 on scratchbox and so on). Too bad I can't do that because I imported it from the US and it is not released here.

Huge? I don't think so, you get almost the same code as before (e.g. PR1.1.1), you have to make a few adjustments, maybe a little extra effort for QT 4.6.2. If this argument had some merit, they would delay the previous PR the same. deb packaging is pretty robust and can handle this situation very well.

...nor that it is different. So you can't assume one side or the other.

So the HK release is not stable, is that what you think? When you say that they rushed code, all your arguments about testing time fail, because you are now justifying releasing early.

It's running now.

Please explain to me, I never got it. Why do some people here insist in justifying the unjustifiable? Isn't it pretty obvious by now that Nokia is utterly and completely wrong for delaying PR1.2 to us, their loyal customers? Isn't it obvious that it's dumb, because they lose developer and power-user momentum by this? Isn't it pretty much the most obvious thing in the world that Nokia is not worth any protection whatsoever from anyone and should start right now apologising, correcting and compensating for that?
This is the stupidest reply I've read. Nokia aren't delaying the release of PR 1.2 at all. No date was announced so Nokia are not behind on anything. Also Nokia aren't not releasing now to piss you off or "disrespect" you.

Being disrespectful would be to sh$t on someone's grave. Not taking a while with a firmware release.
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Originally Posted by Aranel View Post
And, After 1h 30m this post is still not deleted and you're online, can we say that is open enough?

I don't think it's offending or harmful to say "X must be fired, because (s)he's not doing his work properly", sure it is meaningless, but people have right to say that. I'm sure your post will never be removed.

/* Damn, I'm posting on PR1.2 thread. I'm doomed */
The post was removed SIX TIMES.
Do you want the private messages?
And more of 90 of my older post were deleted too (more 180 yesterday, 96 today, look at google cached of rpgamazon on if you want)

Posts: 5 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Mar 2010
If PR1.2 ever releases on monday, you'll all be very short of 4000 posts. Go on, post nonsense faster, I know you can do it !
That was my participation

(BTW Laughingstok I like the photos you posted, but are they really taken with an n900 ?)
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
It will be released.
Does'nt this exasperate you at times?
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Originally Posted by tissot View Post
This is exactly the reason Nokia shouldn't even release the information it does now. Not to even talk about releasing release dates for updates(like already said non of the big phone manufacturer does).
How can you say that when Apple says the approximate dates of their next updates? Even though I despise Apple for their locked ecosystem, I have to admire them for their update policy - and not even only minor/bugfixes updates, bug whole new OS versions are made available in a timely manner.

The main issue with Nokia: if you have a public bugzilla and changelogs, which are something from the open-source world, don't mix them up with the closed-source mindset by keeping secrets and delaying releases.
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Aranel's Avatar
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Originally Posted by rpgAmazon View Post
The post was removed SIX TIMES.
Do you want the private messages?
And more of 90 of my older post were deleted too (more 180 yesterday, 96 today, look at google cached of rpgamazon on if you want)

Hey.. Calm down please, I'm not one of those "bad guys", lol, no need to shout. But of course I care about this community and it's openness. So If it's not a problem for you, It'd be better to talk about those private messages, if there's any insult/threat to you.

It seems we need a moderator here to make sure about why they removing your posts.

Edit: If you saw this discussion later; situation is now solved @

Last edited by Aranel; 2010-05-01 at 17:37.
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
Oh i forgot to say... change your product code to USA cos they always get it before us.
Hardly. The updates are usually released to the update repositories around 7-10 AM local time, beginning with Finland. FIASCO images are placed on the web usually within one to three days.

The problem with the UK is that Nokia UK is incompetent and releases images and updates there weeks after the rest of the planet.
Ryan Abel
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