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Sometimes mapper doesn't detect my gps ; I just reload mapper and the gps and it's ok.

Last edited by murphy; 2007-07-29 at 00:15.
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First off, thanks for a great application, gnuite. After having it installed on my 770 for ages, in the last week I've been using it far more, thanks to finally purchasing a GPS receiver. This experience with the program led me to notice a few things that might improve it - I hope you don't mind I wrote a few suggestions down and posted them in my blog. I'll write more in the next few days.
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Originally Posted by murphy View Post
hi gnuite
I've a known problem with Maemo/Mapper : when the GPS receiver stops or gets out of bluetooth range, Mapper crashs.
The problem is that I use Mapper for creating tracks (for OpenStreetMap) and when it crashs it takes the track with him (in /dev/null ? ^^). Last time I lost a 3-hour track
When I reload Mapper it reloads a very old track.

=> could you add an option (in v1.4 or/and v2) to auto-save the tracks (every x mn) ?
No, but Maemo Mapper v2.x will do you one better. I'm changing the on-disk representation of the track, because there's little to no reason to store it in hard-to-update GPX format (which is only written when Maemo Mapper successfully closes) when the "Save Track" option does that. Instead, I will store the track data to a flat file and export it to GPX as needed. In this way, the on-disk representation is updated for every track update that Maemo Mapper receives.

In fact, I've considered storing the NMEA data itself to disk, which would also satisfy some of the requests I've had to that effect. My only concern is disk space - some receivers spew out a lot of data, as many as 8-12 lines per second. At 80 bytes per line (maximum), that's about 1KB per second, or about a MB every 17 minutes. Perhaps I'll make it an option. You can either store A) Full NMEA; B) RMC sentences only; C) Custom binary format. Option C carries the added advantage that I can filter the data so that identical-in-space, adjacent-in-time track points are filtered out.

What do you guys think?
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Looks like save track option could be just what I'm looking for as intention to is build log of all my journeys with eventual output to google maps/earth or even memory map software within UK.
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Instead, I will store the track data to a flat file and export it to GPX as needed. In this way, the on-disk representation is updated for every track update that Maemo Mapper receives.
Since you require sqlite anyway for the POI data, why don't you just store the track data in a table as well? There'd be additional benefits, like being able to compress old tracks to once-per-minute checkpoints (or just the track breakpoints) in a simple operation, faster startup (Maemo Mapper takes a long time to start on my 770 if it needs to load a big track in), easily limiting the track display to just the last hour/day etc..

I'd be happy to help design a good DB representation for maps, routes, tracks and POIs, which would take efficient indexing into account, if you want. Send me a private message or email if you're interested.
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It may be little off topic, but i am completly clue less which GPS to buy. I am located in On, Canada. Can some one suggest me a best/cheap blue tooth GPS for me which can work with Maemo Mapper? I can also buy from US sites as long as shipping is not killing the price. I found couple , details are below

Can some one suggest me a good one in above link? and which 'mount' will be best suited for 770? (I am getting a free mount from above site but i donno which one to select)

I think M-1000 is good among those,... any comments?

Any comments about the following product ?
Couple of people saying it is outdated and may not work well as above M-1000, and in foggy conditions it may not work at all. .....
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I've buy the i.Trek Z1 from semsons yesturday with a cm929-s mount which is 360 degrees so it seems to be adequate for the n800 in horizontal mode.

My choice for this GPS is for the solar capacities (over 100hours with sun!), a quite good chipset (MTK-32channels) and a build-in data logger !
I will tell you more when I will have it.

There's also a thread specialised for GPS receiver for Mapper where you can find all you want :
Posts: 64 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Thanks Murphy,

I would like to go with following product,

but shipping is $28 that is where I am stepping back. Can some one tell me is there any local stores in Kitchener/Waterloo, ON area to buy any good GPS?
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i would love to get navigation charts loaded. is there a way to use the following site as a repository? it looks possible from the long, lat, zoom in the url, but ther are a couple additional fields like scale which can be set at 15,000:1 or 1,200,000:1 etc. not sure how i could do this. anybody able to decifer? i'm new to mapper so please keep that in mind.

here is an example of a chart for new york:

thanks is advance

btw - thanks you for a great application. i have not got it running yet (problem iwht firmware upgrade) but as soon as i do i'll send in $20 for the cause
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Posts: 186 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Canada
Gnuite when can we expect ver 2.x maemo mapper, im really looking forward to it

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