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Posts: 21 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
I am looking to switch to Sprint since Helio's phones do not allow bluetooth tethering and was wondering what phone would be best for the n770. I'd like to be able to hop online whenever and 3G coverage is awesome here in Tucson but I've seen alot of posts with people having problems tethering their phones.

Edit: Preferably something fairly small, I'll already be carrying the 770 around, I just want something that will stay in my pocket and pretty much act like a gateway.
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Your best bet is to ask the people on a Sprint forum. From what I understand Sprint disables the ability to thether through something called "NAI". I also understand that people on those forums have figured how how to disable this anoyance. Try
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
Thanks, getting a lot of information on the forums. Seems the a900 or a900m is my best bet as it will allow me to turn off the NAI feature sprint uses to track phone-as-modem usage. It's also very small (about the size of the razr). Combined with the current SERO plan it looks like I can get away with $50/mo for unlimited everything and 500 anytime minutes (I rarely use more than 300 as is). The only catch is their unlimited data plan does not technically cover phone-as-modem (PAM) usage; However, it seems as long as you don't raise any flags by transferring ALOT of data every month, you should be fine. Otherwise you can purchase their unlimited phone as modem plan for $40/mo in addition to your voice plan and be completely unrestrained in your data usage.

Now I just need to figure out how I can get out of my helio contract without paying the early termination fee (ETF)
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Before you rush into a SERO account, do some research about PAM. From what I've seen, you cannot have the 2 combined. So if you disable NAI and Sprint catches on, you would have to change your entire account to get PAM.

I'm currently looking into PAM as well, and am trying to figure out which phone would be best. I'm leaning towards the Samsung m610.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
Originally Posted by ikonosin View Post
Before you rush into a SERO account, do some research about PAM. From what I've seen, you cannot have the 2 combined. So if you disable NAI and Sprint catches on, you would have to change your entire account to get PAM.

I'm currently looking into PAM as well, and am trying to figure out which phone would be best. I'm leaning towards the Samsung m610.
I'm aware of that, if you read my reply I already took that into account Fact is I can't find any stories of people getting charged for excessive usage or forced into a PAM account after disabling NAI and tethering their phone. So far it's just a scare tactic and not really based on anything concrete. Now with that in mind, I am prepared to pay the $40/mo for PAM if necessary at some point since my current plan is $70/mo with Helio for the same exact thing minus the ability to tether. $30/mo for 500 unlimited everything + $40/mo for unlimited PAM = $70/mo, same as my current service. But as is my nature, I will try to get away with just the $30/mo for now
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I am considering switching from verizon to sprint as well, (looking into coverage currently) ... The thing that stands out for me is the PAM unlimited data plan costs the same as verizons unlimited data plan that does NOT include PAM.... also it appears verizon doesn't cripple bT DUN on their phones...

I am curious if anyone here has had experience using their n800 via bT over a sprint phone, and what kind of ev-do speeds people are seeing.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2007
All samsung models do the tethering, much better than the sanyos or lgs.. there is a thread of on this topic, as well as other tutorials and advice..

btw I'm new, lol hi..

Last edited by Smoky; 2007-07-31 at 10:59.

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