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Originally Posted by frals View Post
It's been handling it's own APN since 0.9.x'ish, so you don't need to create the APN with fAPN anymore. However, if you upgraded from a version where you used the APN created with fAPN (basically, any version prior to 0.9.x) you should NOT delete the APN you created as this will make fMMS no longer function

The your phonenumber field depends on your carrier, as of 1.0.2 you can insert "0" in to that field and hopefully the MMSC can handle that properly.

As you are not receiving any SMS Push anymore I'd guess Vodafone might have disabled MMS on your account all of a sudden, you could give them a call and ask them about it.

Either way, please see the section called "Help Improve" in the first post in how to help me troubleshoot the problem in more detail. Thank you!
Ok, i never had an seperate APN, i just adjusted my main internet one originally to include the proxy stuff etc.....

Then it all worked, when i got the update today, it just died i had to reset my Contract Wap connection to the original, and then i installed my settings into Fmms, as per its request...

Now i can send, but not recieve...

I have contacted vodafone UK, and they promise me they have touched nothing....
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Nick/Frals - I have emailed you what i believe is the log
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Originally Posted by Ali bhai View Post
is there a way to clear the memory and do a clean install?....without having to reflash my n900?
Yes, in an xterm type:
rm -r /home/user/.fmms
You may need to do a re-install after this (not sure that's needed though).
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jes noe it worksi take the configs from the wiki but in the internet configs from the n900 i choose auto config on and know it works.but it dont sends the texmessages,only the pics my buddy and girlfriend gets a message that some parts in the mms cant be open frome there phone. send via havoc and resize the images medium.someone knows why?
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Originally Posted by frals View Post
For the record, the help I've gotten from Nokia has been significant, from a complete UI/UX overhaul with their own interface designers to solving loads of different technical problems.
Oh, I didn't have any real doubt about that. My sarcastic comment just was a knee-jerk reaction after reading the comments in Bugzilla. It can't be that hard and resource-intensive to make APN/Connection selection behave in a deterministic fashion, and IMNSHO Nokia should have more of a genuine interest in helping fMMS along with that instead of pulling (yet another) WONTFIX on us.

That said, once again thank you for your excellent hard work and yes, a thank you to Nokia to at least have provided you with the support they have given you so far. As for the latter: just a little more will go a long way, Nokia. 'Nuff said.


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Originally Posted by frals View Post
Upgrade to 1.0.2 and try setting "Your phonenumber" to 0 and see if this helps please
I upgraded to the new version, still no good. Tried it wih my phone number in the configuration, with 0 and with nothing at all. Still only sends within my own network but receives from anywhere.

Last time I selected a pic from the gallery to send via mms through the sharing option the phone freaked out and crashed to!
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Quick question. For USA T-mobile what should i be putting in these categories? So confused because i thought it was going to do it itself.

Access Point Name: ?
Username: ?
Password: ?
Proxy: ?
Proxy Port: ?
MMSC: ??

Also is there anything i should be putting in advance settings and do i still Need to download FAPN? or does FMMS take care of it by itself now? Big thanks on the project BTW!

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Originally Posted by M A S T E R View Post
Quick question. For USA T-mobile what should i be putting in these categories? So confused because i thought it was going to do it itself.

Access Point Name: ?
Username: ?
Password: ?
Proxy: ?
Proxy Port: ?
MMSC: ??

Also is there anything i should be putting in advance settings and do i still Need to download FAPN? or does FMMS take care of it by itself now? Big thanks on the project BTW!

Hope this help.
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Originally Posted by M A S T E R View Post
Quick question. For USA T-mobile what should i be putting in these categories? So confused because i thought it was going to do it itself.

Access Point Name: ?
Username: ?
Password: ?
Proxy: ?
Proxy Port: ?
MMSC: ??

Also is there anything i should be putting in advance settings and do i still Need to download FAPN? or does FMMS take care of it by itself now? Big thanks on the project BTW!

More direct:
and read the first post:

Hope this helps
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I was using the T-Mobile USA settings last night and sent a MMS perfectly. This morning I tried to do the same thing, and I got an error message:

Error: 32 Pipe Broken

Any ideas guys?

Thanks in advance

bada rox, bada rulez, fmms, mms, mms config, n900, python

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