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Posts: 256 | Thanked: 98 times | Joined on Jan 2010
i like vodafone they are a good provider however these charges are steep and they have gone from one of the best priced operators to one of the worst priced operators for mobile web

i would be happy if they capped the limit to say 2gb-3gb and then charged you another £5 for the next 2gb-3gb

to me this would stop people abusing the service so much and would also stop people who used it properley worrying about going over the measly 500mb allowance that is set at the minute

heck people could even abuse it if they wanted but just pay £5 for every 2gb-3gb data they used
Posts: 256 | Thanked: 98 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by ddwwf1 View Post
i find downloading torrents helps to rack up mbs i have a pc i hardly use now since i have had this phone lol almost all my internet usage goes through this device
not being funny mate and sorry if this sounds harsh but its because of people like you dwnloading torrents etc that we are all suffering

it has allways been 500mb just with a soft limit

its obviuous looking at this thread and the voda thread that many people have been abusing the service , hence these new changes

if people are downloading torrents etc then its pretty obvious why these changes are now taking place
Posts: 237 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by buxz777 View Post
not being funny mate and sorry if this sounds harsh but its because of people like you dwnloading torrents etc that we are all suffering

it has allways been 500mb just with a soft limit

its obviuous looking at this thread and the voda thread that many people have been abusing the service , hence these new changes

if people are downloading torrents etc then its pretty obvious why these changes are now taking place
understandable mate but up until now i have used it normally granted i like to watch horse racing on my n900 but if im betting online with the phone then i will watch the race on my phone to also i like to listen to a internet radio station alot on my way to work each day as well as checking facebook coming on here checking football scores looking at news etc which i would define as normal usage if it breaks over 500mb then fair enough but im not doing it on purpose

only now when i want a high data usage so that i can tell voda that it will affect me by 10% in my bill that im now taking the piss with my usage
Posts: 256 | Thanked: 98 times | Joined on Jan 2010
thats fair enough but there are people ive read about downloading loads ive read of some people hitting 40gb on their mobile data plan

some home broadband providers offer that as a fair useage policy for alot more then 5pounds a month lol

from your post about torrents i guessd you was one of them , sorry about that

if you are using it for normal internet useage and not downloading movies and 100s of mp3s etc then i would think 2-3gb would suffice most users and keep them happy for the odd streaming session and social networking etc

like i say i like vodafone , i dont like these new charges but its obvious why they have been introduced with some users using it as their main connection for torrents and streaming it will use alot of data , id like to see a better fair useage policy one that makes using it less worrying but also stops it being abused

£5 for 3gb is quite fair in my opinion

Originally Posted by ddwwf1 View Post
understandable mate but up until now i have used it normally granted i like to watch horse racing on my n900 but if im betting online with the phone then i will watch the race on my phone to also i like to listen to a internet radio station alot on my way to work each day as well as checking facebook coming on here checking football scores looking at news etc which i would define as normal usage if it breaks over 500mb then fair enough but im not doing it on purpose

only now when i want a high data usage so that i can tell voda that it will affect me by 10% in my bill that im now taking the piss with my usage
Posts: 362 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by ddwwf1 View Post
you know i dont know when the cut off date is i know mybill date is 16th of each month gona max it for a day or so then can say look at my usage ur new clause will cost me more than 10% of my bill.

i just hope they man up and admit they f**ked up so i can keep this amazing phone and get a miles better sim only deal
go in your online bill, view bills, and sort it by date, you should have a date quite close before the 16th (your bill date), maybe 10th or 11th...
that is the date your new bill starts.. the previous one ends on the day before..
hope this helps

or ask 191
Posts: 57 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Just to give you some international perspective, and to clearly demonstrate that there is no reason or justification for the horrendous data fees that at the very least English speaking world is subjected to - there may be others, but I cannot speak/read their languages.

I am in Taiwan, the most I can EVER pay per month on my permanent 3.5G connection is the equivalent of USD 28/month. There are no limits, no cap, no "fair use policy" nonsense, nothing. EDIT: there are also no arbitrary or artificial usage limits or conditions either. I can tether and use Skype out on my connection. It is fully featured.

There is zero justification for exploiting market oligopolies by the telecom companies and setting extremely high charges to data usage (wired or wireless) - the only reason is profit.

There are no magic or hardware based bandwidth usage limits. Bandwidth is what it is and the demand for bandwidth will always increase. Available bandwidth is at all times less than demand for it, so "shaping" it at the provider level, or setting "fair use" policies is either a) wrong, b) exploitation of the helpless. In either way you should all complain to the telecom regulator and get rid of that nonsense. You should also complain about the high charges.

If there is no viable, widely available lower priced alternative in your country, you also have a good case for your country's business regulatory body starting an oligopoly investigation which should bear fruit if it is actually done fairly and openly.


Last edited by vmajor; 2010-05-10 at 02:12.
Posts: 237 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Nov 2009
2-3gb a month as a FUP would be awesome could use it without having to worry im going to ge charged extra for going over the 500mb allowance i dont think in this day and age 500 is a realistic amount for smartphones now

i have been happy with voda but would rather get out and pay a lot less for the same amount of usage
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on May 2010
I agree with most that 2-3Gb is a reasonable amount, I haven't (for the last several months) gone over the 500Mb soft-limit, but since the other day I have started using 3G a lot more (got the SureSignal) and 3G coverage is a lot stronger in my area lately.

I hope I can get covered under this net of 10% because Vodafone has overcharged me a lot for many things in the past.

Does anyone know if the 10% is for a specific contract or the account? I'm assuming it is for each individual contract?

Will watch this closely!
Posts: 362 | Thanked: 113 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by TommiTMX View Post
I agree with most that 2-3Gb is a reasonable amount, I haven't (for the last several months) gone over the 500Mb soft-limit, but since the other day I have started using 3G a lot more (got the SureSignal) and 3G coverage is a lot stronger in my area lately.

I hope I can get covered under this net of 10% because Vodafone has overcharged me a lot for many things in the past.

Does anyone know if the 10% is for a specific contract or the account? I'm assuming it is for each individual contract?

Will watch this closely!

as what i see, the chances for people who have used over 500 this month or last month, whichever applies, is bigger.. as this will directly affect their plan by 20percent more.. (just noticed theres no percentage sign on n900) ... however it still is possible to cancel under clause 11.2(d)... but im not too sure about that..

if you know your bill cut off date, and if its in the next few days, ill advise you to exceed 500 ASAP...
Posts: 237 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by UNderworld View Post
as what i see, the chances for people who have used over 500 this month or last month, whichever applies, is bigger.. as this will directly affect their plan by 20percent more.. (just noticed theres no percentage sign on n900) ... however it still is possible to cancel under clause 11.2(d)... but im not too sure about that..

if you know your bill cut off date, and if its in the next few days, ill advise you to exceed 500 ASAP...
just so you know future reference the % sign is available by pressing the blue arroy key then the key above it called sym ctrl that will give u a list of extra characters

i am going to ring voda tomorrow and see what they say im crossing everything that i can get out of this contract will save me loads of money

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