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Originally Posted by swing View Post
Is there any way to force MM to re-download a particular map... The OpenStreetMap near to my home is being updated quite frequently at the moment, but if I already have that portion of the map downloaded, it does not seem to update it, which means at certain zoom levels I am missing data.
You can "force" download of maps in the "Manage Maps" dialog. This option will overwrite any maps that you already have. The default behavior is to avoid re-downloading maps that you already have.
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
It sounds like you want more detail in the velocity vector, specifically velocity in the Z plane (up/down). NMEA only provides heading in 2D (as a bearing from north); there is no NMEA protocol for tracking elevation change. Maemo Mapper would have to track that manually. It's possible, I guess, and I'll try to get around to it when I can.
Yes no NMEA data for that, but all you really have to do is track the one previous elevation and then test if it is greater or less than. Yeah I know, easier said than done.

No big deal, I just thought it would be a very usefull addition to MM. Thanks again for your continued MM development.
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
The symptom that you described ("It just sticks on saying "Searching for GPS receiver") implies some sort of problem with the bluetooth framework.

Maemo Mapper v2.x will bring a new framework for communicating with the GPS receiver. Maybe it will help. I don't know what to do for the 1.x code line, though.
OK... did reflash and this worked fine UNTIL I installed RTComm. After that point MaemoMapper does keep searching for GPS received indefinitely...

Uninstalling RTComm does not solve the issue. Only a reflash of OS seem to work...

UPDATE: Added new bug #1752 to bugzilla.

Last edited by Mara; 2007-08-03 at 12:49.
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Feature request:

Is it easy to implement and add a "gutter parameter" to Maemo Mapper for use with WMS-repositories? See OpenLayers Gutter Example and gutter.

Last edited by jaska k; 2007-08-03 at 09:52.
gnuite's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jaska k View Post
Feature request:

Is it easy to implement and add a "gutter parameter" to Maemo Mapper for use with WMS-repositories? See OpenLayers Gutter Example and gutter.
If it's a URL parameter (I'm not sure that it is...), then you should just be able to add the parameter to the URL Format. Maemo Mapper automatically crops (around the center) any images that are larger than 256x256, although the data is still stored at the original resolution (so there is some memory loss).
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
If it's a URL parameter (I'm not sure that it is...), then you should just be able to add the parameter to the URL Format. Maemo Mapper automatically crops (around the center) any images that are larger than 256x256, although the data is still stored at the original resolution (so there is some memory loss).
I think it is a client parameter and not part of WMS-spec as I know. Automatic crops feature is new to me...So if I'll change image width and height parameters from 256x256 to 260x260, 2 pixels will be automatically dropped out on the each side of the tile on the screen (I'm not able to test this just now)?

Hey, great! It works (using 258x258 is enough to get nice maps). No need for new feature, thanks gnuite!!!

Last edited by jaska k; 2007-08-03 at 16:37.
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OK, I've had my 770 for about a month.
It's fun.
Use it for the internet a lot, books (yes, I read the latest Rowling on it, even tho I'm 40 ), some games (scummvm, etc..), movies.
And, I'm a linux geek, so I'm root and loving that...
(I had an Axim X5 before, which I loved, but this is better -- and a lot less expensive :-)

I never really saw the draw of GPS before, but I figured for $50, I'd get a bluetooth GPS and try Maemo Mapper.

And I just got my GPS yesterday.

Wow.. Not only do I think it's incredible (I admit I can be easily impressed at times. :-), but everyone I've showed it to is impressed as well.

One of the managers at work was comparing it to his $300 GPS device, and said it looks like it does all the same things GPS wise, plus all the other features of the 770. For a lot less money.

It took me a bit to figure out the map downloading.
There was a pretty good tutorial that talked about installing it and choosing one of the 5 repositories. My install had only "default", which didn't work. But I have google maps in there now. Then I just had to figure out how the map downloading worked (as far as area and zoom and file size. :-)

I have a 1 GB card, but I might get a seperate card, just for mapping. (since I use it for watching movies, and they tend to eat space as well. :-)

Anyway, I am impressed with Mapper. People have called it the "killer app", and I wouldn't deny that. Especially at under $200 for the 770 and a GPS module.

(Now I just have to decide about mounting. I got a free vent mount (not designed for horizontal, but I think I can make it work), but I'm not sure I want to tie up a vent. If it's easy to remove the vent mount, I might do that, but it didn't look like it. I could go windshield mount, but I don't know that I trust suction cups. :-)
Posts: 61 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2007 @ United Kingdom
Originally Posted by desiv View Post
There was a pretty good tutorial that talked about installing it and choosing one of the 5 repositories. My install had only "default", which didn't work.
Launch Maemo Mapper, then from the menu select Maps / Manage Repositories, then select Download - this will update and refresh the repository list from the internet, and add a whole range of new options. I don't know whether it overwrites any of the zoom level settings, so check that before clicking Ok.
Posts: 225 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Jul 2007
"Launch Maemo Mapper, then from the menu select Maps / Manage Repositories, then select Download - this will update and refresh the repository list from the internet"

Duh!! I thought that was a way to force a map download., and that happened in the other window anyway. (That should have been a hint.. :-)
Thanx, I'll give it a shot.

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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Maemo Mapper automatically crops (around the center) any images that are larger than 256x256, although the data is still stored at the original resolution (so there is some memory loss).
Hey, I didn't know that. With that in mind, how would one go about using Yahoo Maps as a repository? YM is a bit more detailed than Google, and support arbitrary tile size, but the map position is defined not as x/y/zoom, but as the WGS84 coordinate of the map center and a scale:

I didn't think it was possible to use this since each map downloaded from there contains all kinds of info around the edges that need cropping...

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