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I second that thanks.I can only follow in amazement at the progress being made (what with me being a complete linux noob),and when i say noob i mean it.Never used a linux anything until my N900.But i am amazed at its potential, and can only hope it gets the pushes it needs.But powe to up you DJ steve keep up the fantastic work and please dont forget us lesser mortals more commonly known as NOOBS lol.
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If this ever became a reality, I don't think you would hear too many people complaining about the N900 any more.
Descalzo's Avatar
Posts: 369 | Thanked: 167 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Originally Posted by j-a-k View Post
If this ever became a reality, I don't think you would hear too many people complaining about the N900 any more.
Sure you would.

Originally Posted by Disgruntled N900 Owner Of The Future
I waved my N900 over my deceased daughter and she came back from the dead, but couldn't run and jump!
Originally Posted by Other Disgruntled N900 Owner Of The Future
The N900 doesn't do portrait!
Originally Posted by Another Disgruntled etc.
Only runs 8 OSes? A REAL smartphone would run 9!

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Originally Posted by qwazix View Post
A little spin-off question, but as Android is running "on" a linux kernel (am I right?) can't it just run as an app in maemo? So that we could take advantage of all the android apps, but at the same time being able to switch to the loveable pc-ish style of maemo whenever we want.
I had already started a thread around a week ago called "Easy Android".

The idea is sound, getting the idea to work is different....
Seems like it's a long shot, but you never know!
Siggen's Avatar
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Originally Posted by twoboxen View Post
So when you kexec a second kernel it shuts down the first session or is that still live? I imagine leaving all the Maemo processes running wouldn't be the best for performance.
kexec would shutdown the previous kernel as it starts the new one, and this is the tricky part, if the ram is in a state the new kernel does not "like" it will crash, kernel panic.
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Originally Posted by in-effect View Post
Given that Android has just overtaken iPhoneOS in market share (in the US at least), why doesn't Google code an n900 build? Given it's similarity to the Droid it shouldn't be much trouble (with respect to the great efforts made here) and would add another Android device to their list.

Saying that, I'm not as naive as I'm sounding - obviously the small issue of the n900 being a Nokia device has something to do with it. Just dreaming really...
The same reason why there's no Google Maps or lots of commercial apps on the N900. Not enough userbase to warrant the effort.
Originally Posted by ysss View Post
They're maemo and MeeGo...

"Meamo!" sounds like what Zorro would say to catherine zeta jones... after she slaps him for looking at her dirtily...
Posts: 422 | Thanked: 244 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Originally Posted by Siggen View Post
kexec would shutdown the previous kernel as it starts the new one, and this is the tricky part, if the ram is in a state the new kernel does not "like" it will crash, kernel panic.
Would a kernel change be strictly necessary? If the android patches were added to titan's kernel for example, then would it be just a case of stopping conflicting maemo services and starting android?
Posts: 258 | Thanked: 138 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ St. Louis, MO, USA
Originally Posted by paulkoan View Post
Would a kernel change be strictly necessary? If the android patches were added to titan's kernel for example, then would it be just a case of stopping conflicting maemo services and starting android?
At this point DJ_Steve is more comfortable starting with the kernel in an existing android build, I think. Perhaps something like this could happen in the future after there is a build that works well enough.
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If dj can get nitdroid fully working on the n900 would flash 10.1 work on it?
bandora's Avatar
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Originally Posted by law138 View Post
If dj can get nitdroid fully working on the n900 would flash 10.1 work on it?
It should I dont see why it wouldnt.....
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android, cool stuff, froyo on n900, nitdroid

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