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Originally Posted by roger_27 View Post
this thread is becoming as pointless as the original PR 1.2 thread
Yes indeed..
Nokia N900

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Originally Posted by roger_27 View Post
this thread is becoming as pointless as the original PR 1.2 thread
It is hard to keep the focus when discussing FW updates... this thread started with a WHY and now it is turning into WHEN again...
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You have to wonder if Nokia is scared of the SSU flashes messing up existing N900s & that's what they're bug testing. If that's the case, I wouldn't mind doing a full wipe and flash.

To note someone saying that the installed N900 base of users expect a bug-free consumer friendly firmware update is ridiculous. Nokia has made it quite clear the N900 is for enthusiasts and techno-geeks. We know there are gonna be bugs, as long as they aren't show stoppers, release the damn firmware already.

Personally, I feel like this is *it* for large firmware updates for the N900 (a la every other Internet Tablet that Nokia has tossed aside after 2 "big" firmware revisions), so they're trying to get it right, because after that, that's it. Beyond large glaring bugs, we're on our own with whatever "developer firmware" gets released later down the line. As we can see that worked so well for Mer. :P
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@nicola.mfb: yeah, all good points.

I think the key is within the marketplace and the distribution (sales and marketing) of the platform. High technical standards and elegant designs only matter to geeks and people in the know.

One thing I notice was that many of Symbian based contents (apps, games) were sold through carriers and pay-per-call channels. From what I know, they charge a BOATLOAD if you want to distribute content through their system. That's why iPhone's 30:70 split was looked at favorably by the developers (which was then followed by Android and also Amazon's kindle).

I don't know how much carriers charge for this service (distribution, billing, etc) nowadays, but if they haven't move closer to the magical 30/70 number, that will still be a big deterrent to the platform's success.
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Originally Posted by phi View Post
Nokia has made it quite clear the N900 is for enthusiasts and techno-geeks. We know there are gonna be bugs, as long as they aren't show stoppers, release the damn firmware already.
How has Nokia made it quite clear that N900 is limited to certain types of users? AFAIK Nokia hasn't mentioned that at all in their marketing materials.
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
How has Nokia made it quite clear that N900 is limited to certain types of users? AFAIK Nokia hasn't mentioned that at all in their marketing materials.
Maybe not in the marketing materials, but when it was introduced, they kept stressing that point.

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while deviating from the real reason 1.2 is late and looking to blame the users, I would like to add to all those die hard "the n900 is perfect - and if you don't like it get an iPhone" fans - If the n900 was the perfect mobile computer it would have a search function. don't get me wrong I love my n810 I expect a little more from my n900.
the bugs below are important to the overall success of the n900 so please vote.

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Originally Posted by phi View Post
Maybe not in the marketing materials, but when it was introduced, they kept stressing that point.
I remember reading such messages in this forum, but I'm not sure if it's rebroadcasted anywhere else; especially to the mass of users out there who actually need to get that message in the first place (if what you claimed is true).

If you can point out an official message from Nokia that 'kept stressing that point', it would be really helpful.

I'm really trying to understand the arguments and want to get to the bottom of things.
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
I remember reading such messages in this forum, but I'm not sure if it's rebroadcasted anywhere else; especially to the mass of users out there who actually need to get that message in the first place (if what you claimed is true).

If you can point out an official message from Nokia that 'kept stressing that point', it would be really helpful.
I agree with you, in fact I have exactly a post from a nokia employee that affirms that the N900 is device for very normal people:

We just lose the ultimate category to fit the n900 in: a geek device, LOL
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Originally Posted by phi View Post
Maybe not in the marketing materials, but when it was introduced, they kept stressing that point.
all the per-release videos demoed the browsing and social networking / media playback and multitasking. Nokia weren't selling a development platform they were selling a device that filled a void in the consumer market.

memo needs to improve to become successful not reduce reduce consumer expectations.
the bugs below are important to the overall success of the n900 so please vote.

black hole, vortex of dumb

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