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Khertan's Avatar
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So this will exclude external repositories from download right ?
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Hmmmm.Brainstorm....I think that download area doesnt need so called completely NEW features. We should collect/look different webpages that already exists and provide downloadable stuff in different categories and just borrow the best features and implement them. After download section is even close to these ( e.g. ) then lets start brainstorming.

So first and the most important thing what download section needs is different sorting methods like epage suggested. Feels bit weird to even suggest these kinds of things to professionals. Shouldnt these be bare minimum what to do?

It's lovely that we have these conversations but i just hope that something really also happens.
Keep up the good work!

btw where i can see what things have been done here in last 5 months? I do not mean writing wiki or conversations here in talk or brainstorming just changes/features/fixes to maemo webpage/repositories?

Okey. This is good start
fixed bugs in since 2010-01-01. What else?

Last edited by slender; 2010-05-20 at 09:37.
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I would like a wish list or a maybe later list.

Not sure if this is possible but one thing I didn't like with my Android phone when browsing the market and now with my shiny N900 is that sometimes when searching for a specific program you see something you'd like to try - but later. (Because of large file size, usually, or dependency issues or because you want to read ratings before spending $$.) And half the time you forget until the next time you stumble onto it again.

Terry (who actually uses her Amazon wish list)

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Getting an "install basket" on Downloads could be done by building up a custom .install file for the user which, when they finally click Download sends them it containing multiple packages.

This would meet lcuk and terryowen's idea of picking your apps in a more friendly way. If your current basket was attached to your account, you could pick on your PC before installing on your device.

Perhaps this'd give a more seamless experience without having to get users to use a different application manager.
Andrew Flegg -- |

Last edited by Jaffa; 2010-05-21 at 15:26. Reason: s/others/terryowen/

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Originally Posted by Jaffa View Post
As mikkov says, I want one of the high-level goals to be a donation framework similar to has, and I outlined in the URL above.

This feature, if added to Downloads would also be something we could offer the MeeGo community to reuse. This'd be an example of investment in which wouldn't be wasted if we can all decamp to and be happy MeeGo users in 12 months.
Which is why I'd really, really like to see your name on the MeeGo User Enagagment Framework project page.

Unless of course you would prefer that be a totally distinct effort, in which caser I would excise it from the project to avoid confusion (or maybe just add as a reference?).
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Last edited by Texrat; 2010-05-21 at 16:24.
Jaffa's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Which is why I'd really, really like to see your name on the MeeGo User Enagagment Framework project page.
I thought it already was!

Unless of course you would prefer that be a totally distinct effort, in which caser I would excise it from the project to avoid confusion (or maybe just add as a reference?).
Happy for it to be done under the overall banner. I think the UXF is so wide-ranging it should be tackled as a series of loosely coupled initiatives towards an overall goal; rather than trying to get complete agreement on every aspect and then doing it as one mega-project.

EDIT: ack, you changed your post. Should I delete the quote?
I did? Bit you're quoting from me seems fine.
Andrew Flegg -- |

Last edited by Texrat; 2010-05-21 at 16:30. Reason: sorry, edited instead of replied
Texrat's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Jaffa View Post
I thought it already was!

Happy for it to be done under the overall banner. I think the UXF is so wide-ranging it should be tackled as a series of loosely coupled initiatives towards an overall goal; rather than trying to get complete agreement on every aspect and then doing it as one mega-project.

I did? Bit you're quoting from me seems fine.

I meant your name on the project page, as a contributor/partner/etc: rs

And you raise a good point: this shouldn't be a mega-project as much as it should be a META-project. However, none of the subinitiatives are currently posed as MeeGo community-driven projects (MUEF is the only one for now). But as more initiatives are formalized I would be more than happy to refactor the presentation of MUEF. In fact you have inspired me to perform another wiki edit to declare that...

And forget the last comment-- I typed before coffee kicked in. As evidenced by my mistake in editing instead of quoting the previous post.
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bergie's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Jaffa View Post
This would meet lcuk and terryowen's idea of picking your apps in a more friendly way. If your current basket was attached to your account, you could pick on your PC before installing on your device.
I like the idea. Taken a bit further, you could maybe also share or publish your application lists, enabling people to compile their own sets of recommended apps, or apps related to a specific theme.

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Originally Posted by bergie View Post
I like the idea. Taken a bit further, you could maybe also share or publish your application lists, enabling people to compile their own sets of recommended apps, or apps related to a specific theme.
Thanks for reminding me bergie-- the feedback ecosystem I envision certainly needs to support what you're saying there. In fact I think we could borrow from Amazon's example for reviews, recommendations (maybe even wishlists)-- what they've done works, and works very well. Decentralized though.
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GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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I'd love to see a more AJAX-ey experience in Downloads. Users should be able to rate wherever a rating is shown. Whether that's on the package's page, on the homepage or in a list. Users also need to be able to easily change their previously given ratings. Netflix gets this perfect here.
Ryan Abel

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