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please laugh with me !!

i got my N800 from the U.S coz they don't sell it in the U.A.E (United Arab Emirates)

now they do . . . and now i have a problem in my screen . . SO

i went to them to fix it . . . they told me . . . SORRY . . . coz we cant fix it we dont know how to !! ( i can't tell you how i feel)

the head of the work shop told me sorry coz this is the first one to come in . . . sorry i cant take it

Ooh one more thing they can't take it also coz there system needs an IMEI Number . . . and the N800 dose not have one . . . really

can i kill myself now ??

please have a look here :

by the way when i could not do anything with emirates computers . . i dismantled the N800 to see if anything was loss

I'm uploading a clip of my N800 Screen . . . i will post it when I'm done

take care every one

i hope that this would never happen to anyone of you

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Originally Posted by screener View Post
Ooh one more thing they can't take it also coz there system needs an IMEI Number . . . and the N800 dose not have one . . . really
Did you try giving him the WLAN number? I had a similar response when I contacted a Nokia repair shop recently and they told me they needed a IMEI number when all the unit had was a the WLAN number.
The guy sounded sceptical but tried the WLAN number on his system and it accepted it.

Sorry to hear about your problems - it can be painful.
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Ah yes, the U.A.E. As someone who has lived in the ME for a few years, take my advice and move either further east (Asia) or further West (Europe).
Funny thing is, I ordered my N800 when I was in Kuwait, received it and have had no problems so far (knock on wood). Never saw it in the stores there before I left, but they probably sell them now. I think there may be an official Nokia repair center (or authorized repair center) somewhere in Kuwait City, but there might be one in nearby Dubai. I would think there was one right there in the U.A.E.!
Best bet would be to mail it back to whomever you bought it from andeither have them repair it or refund you your money.
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Originally Posted by Fionn View Post
Did you try giving him the WLAN number?
Oh yes i did , , , but no luck

it's just . . . fantastic
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iball . . . Kuwait Ooh
well the thing is Dubai is nicer than Kuwait when it comes to the tech stuff . . . but it makes me sad that Nokia International head office Of the M.E. is here in Dubai and they don't know anything. . . really sad (and they only sell the N800 in Dubai and nun of the other M.E. country's)

SUN Microsoft HTC imate Nortel and lotsmore have there M.E. head office here

and i cant "mail it back to whomever you bought it from" (tiger direct) coz my friend is no more in the U.S. . . how do i say it . . . "i have no one there"

plus that i have opened the N800 . . . i think this would make it unacceptable for refund ?? right

yes it is very painful
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Originally Posted by screener View Post
iball . . . Kuwait Ooh
well the thing is Dubai is nicer than Kuwait when it comes to the tech stuff . . . but it makes me sad that Nokia International head office Of the M.E. is here in Dubai and they don't know anything. . . really sad (and they only sell the N800 in Dubai and nun of the other M.E. country's)

SUN Microsoft HTC imate Nortel and lotsmore have there M.E. head office here

and i cant "mail it back to whomever you bought it from" (tiger direct) coz my friend is no more in the U.S. . . how do i say it . . . "i have no one there"

plus that i have opened the N800 . . . i think this would make it unacceptable for refund ?? right

yes it is very painful
Damn, you even ordered it from the same place I did (tigerdirect!).
I take it you gave him/her the cash and they ordered it using an address in the states.
I would say to contact Nokia HQs directly about it then.
Go over the head of the *****hole who won't deal with you in Dubai.
I'm sure some folks in here might know some useful telephone numbers or email addresses to use for that.
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I would point to them the NOKIA <--name on the unit. I don't care if they don't know how to fix it, find someone from nokia to take care of it. That is ridiculous.

A friend of mine called Dell recently for support on a laptop, they told him that the fingerprint software on the laptop is causing his laptop to lock up. Well ****, if that's the case then don't sell laptops with fingerprint reader and don't install that broken *** software on there default. Am I suppose to buy these product and leave it looking nice in the box or actually use it. Some tech these days are iddiots.

Oh and sorry for your loss...I'm laughing with you...not at you. hahaha.
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Nokia N800 2gig Kingston/1gig sandisk
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yes yes . . . i did all that

my thing if you sell it you have to fix it . . . i dont care i just want it fixed you can charge me . . i dont care just fix it and stand up for your name!

i'm trying my best . . .

they told me today that we did not accept it coz we dont have any spare parts ?? can you belive that !!

i would say that this is life . . . and life is hard
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i finally got got someone to tell me what is going on with it . . .

it needs a "filter I.C." what ever that is . . . the cool thing is they don't have any spear parts all over the U.A.E really CoOoOoL

So . . . i don't know what to do ??

can someone help me ?? if i get the part number and every thing can some one get it for me ?? or at least help me get it ??

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HELP as is "guide" me to get the part

thanks again
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