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Standard format is PNG:
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still does not explain why my IM contacts wont import automatically to all contacts but only to those who change it while i am online on my device.
Posts: 122 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Denmark
i use 256x256 jpegs and it looks great....

but i still dont know why is makes the contact picture "tile" in coversations.... can somone explain that?
Posts: 38 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Originally Posted by MiSP View Post
I haven't been able to find this info elsewhere. When selecting contact pictures for the N900, it looks like it converts them to a format with significantly lower quality/size (jpeg by the looks of it). What is the "native" size of N900 contact pictures (so that I can convert the pictures with Photoshop beforehand and make sure they look better), and is there any way to influence the conversion parameters (quality)?
I synched my contacts with my previous phone wich resluted in low res. pictures/avatars.
Copy the original high res. pictures to your N900, and add them to the contacts again. That worked for me.
tp: I created a folder on my memorycard to save my contact-pictures and backups, just in case sh*t happens.

conversation parameters???...uhm...might be a network/provider issue i guess. I'm only getting complaints when im using the speaker during a phonecall
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Posts: 44 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Vienna / Austria
The issue I have as well is not with the contact pictures but with the ones I can set for the IM accounts (e.g. for the Skype account). The the N900 downsamples the image to a very bad quality and all my Skype contact see this image when they view my Profile in their Skype.

So I am very interested please to know which is the folder where these IM account pictures are stored in. Does any one know the path?
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Posts: 44 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Vienna / Austria
I have now applied a workaround described here because when you tell the application to use a JPEG picture it will be cropped and downsampled. When you tell the application to use a PNG picture it will not be put to a lower quality. This is since the standard picture file format for this is PNG (see above).

So I took the original JPEG picture, opened it in Gimp, stored it as PNG picture, uploaded it to the device and told the N900 Skype account mask to use this as Skype profile picture.

Nevertheless I think that the correct solution would be 1) a notification to use PNG if downsampling is not wanted and 2) a checkbox that the profile picture will not be uploaded to the server in the web.

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Posts: 175 | Thanked: 70 times | Joined on Dec 2009
would be cool to get animated contacts!

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