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Posts: 238 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on May 2006 @ New Mexico, USA
Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
So forget Skype for the N800; what we need is SIP-integration in the IM-user interface...
Speaking of SIP.... just received a SIP call on my N800... the caller called my Gizmo Project "Call Wave" number (Area 775)... was a TeleMarketer from "The Home Depot" out of Fort Worthless TX...

I wonder if there is a National Do Not Call List of N800's...


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Home Depot uses Gizmo Project? Wow..
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"Area 775" is Gizmoproject's free incoming phone number. The actual number is located somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere, Nevada. You can pay for a local number, but if all you want is an incoming number, they'll give you that one for free.
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Did you know you can use GrandCentral as a local number for a Gizmoproject phone number?
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I seem to recall reading an article to that effect, yes, saying it would be one way to get a free local number out of Gizmo.
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Originally Posted by Ald View Post
"Area 775" is Gizmoproject's free incoming phone number. The actual number is located somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere, Nevada. You can pay for a local number, but if all you want is an incoming number, they'll give you that one for free.
If you include the capital of Nevada "the Middle of Nowhere" then yes, I suppose it is the middle of nowhere, but area code 775 actually comprises a rather large portion of the state, including the county which includes Reno.

Sorry, it bugs me that anything outside of Clark county is considered "the Middle of Nowhere". There's a lot more to the state.

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So it's possible to call Reno 911 with that number?
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Originally Posted by omegaone37 View Post
Speaking of SIP.... just received a SIP call on my N800... the caller called my Gizmo Project "Call Wave" number (Area 775)... was a TeleMarketer from "The Home Depot" out of Fort Worthless TX...

I wonder if there is a National Do Not Call List of N800's...



The whole point of my posting this was (past tense), the irony that even non phone devices are not immune to to telemarketers and their bull **** spam.

Didn't occur to me that you all would geek out over a free sip number from GizmoProject... go figure


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My apologies, rickh. You are indeed correct. I really should learn more geography of my neighbors: I live next door in California.

I suppose that's very nice for all those people who live in the capital and its environs, as it's a free dialin number without having to pay for a local number.
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Originally Posted by omegaone37 View Post
Speaking of SIP.... just received a SIP call on my N800... the caller called my Gizmo Project "Call Wave" number (Area 775)... was a TeleMarketer from "The Home Depot" out of Fort Worthless TX...
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