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Posts: 18 | Thanked: 72 times | Joined on Sep 2008
Hi all,

I was having trouble with geolocation working in the Maemo browser after I upgraded to PR1.2 (I decided to do a backup/reflash/restore, I don't know if this would affect people doing an OTA update). When I went to new sites that wanted location information, I would still get the ugly grey "Share your location?" dialog I was used to getting in PR1.1.1, but after I clicked Share, or if I went to sites I had already authorized, the GPS wouldn't power up and the sites would silently fail to get my position.

I think that it was an issue with the old maemo-geolocation being installed on my system before I upgraded; the ugly grey permissions box was something from the old version, not the one bundled with PR1.2. Here are the steps I took to fix it, in case anyone else has the same problem:

1) You'll need to have rootsh installed from the Application Manager.
2) Open an XTerm and type the following commands exactly as shown. If any command asks for confirmation, give it (type y and press enter):

apt-get remove maemo-geolocation
apt-get remove microb-geolocation
rm -rf /home/user/.mozilla/microb/extensions/?e8738a3a*
That last command is ESPECIALLY important to type exactly right. If possible, open this talk page on your N900, copy the line (slide the pointer out from the left side of the screen, click the pointer button, highlight the text, and press Ctrl-C), and paste it into your XTerm window (open the menu and select Paste). Otherwise, just make sure that there are only two spaces on the whole line: one after rm, and the other after -rf.

Also, note what packages it says it's removing, when you run the "apt-get remove microb-geolocation" command. On my N900, it said it was removing "mp-fremantle-002-pr"; on yours it might be "mp-fremantle-generic-pr" or something else entirely. If you see something besides what I have here, then use that in the command you run in step 4.

3) At this point I rebooted just to clear the system out. You might be able to skip this step.
4) Open up another XTerm and type the following commands (again, give confirmation when requested):

apt-get install mp-fremantle-002-pr
5) Reboot. It probably is necessary this time, but you can try going on without that.

It should be fixed now! You can check by doing the following:

- Open the browser and go to any page, then open the Options menu and click Add-ons. Under Extensions, it should show "Maemo GeoLocation" at version 1.1.5 (or later).
- Go to a page you haven't previously authorized to see your location. I used and clicked the "Click to look up your location" link. Instead of the ugly grey permissions box, it should now pop up a pretty Maemo-styled dialog box asking for permission to share your location (it's okay to say no).
- Go to a page you HAVE previously authorized, and it should remember your permissions, and now it should work!

It took me a while to figure this one out, so I wanted to share if anyone else was having problems.

Last edited by Cirne; 2010-06-02 at 03:46.

The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Cirne For This Useful Post:
Guest | Posts: n/a | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on
Thank you, great fix.
For my firmware the package is mp-fremantle-generic-pr.
Posts: 18 | Thanked: 72 times | Joined on Sep 2008
Got it! I'll update the instructions to note that it might not be the same package name.
Posts: 958 | Thanked: 483 times | Joined on May 2010
if i have previously set a site as "always allow", how do i go back and disable it?
Posts: 18 | Thanked: 72 times | Joined on Sep 2008
I don't know if there's a way to do this properly, but running the following command in an XTerm should clear out all your saved geolocation permissions, so you'll have to re-authorize every site again:

sqlite3 /home/user/.mozilla/microb/permissions.sqlite "DELETE FROM moz_hosts WHERE type='geo'"
Copy-pasting that line on your N900 will probably be helpful.

The Following User Says Thank You to Cirne For This Useful Post:
Posts: 958 | Thanked: 483 times | Joined on May 2010
thanks! that did the trick! i did a SELECT and saw it only had 2 entries with being one of it.
Posts: 185 | Thanked: 103 times | Joined on Aug 2008
No matter what I do, I cannot get the geolocation to work. I have done every step listed in this thread multiple times.

I did:
apt-get remove maemo-geolocation
apt-get remove microb-geolocation
rm -rf /home/user/.mozilla/microb/extensions/?e8738a3a*
then I rebooted and did this:
apt-get install mp-fremantle-002-pr
and then rebooted again and did this:
sqlite3 /home/user/.mozilla/microb/permissions.sqlite "DELETE FROM moz_hosts WHERE type='geo'"
And it still didnt work. The first time I look in my microb addons, maemo geolocation is listed. But if I got back and look, it's gone. I don't understand.

I've repeated these steps several times to no avail.
Posts: 185 | Thanked: 103 times | Joined on Aug 2008
I just tried completely nuking my /home/user/.mozilla/microb directory and it still doesnt work.
Posts: 185 | Thanked: 103 times | Joined on Aug 2008
OK I got it working by killing my /home/user/.mozilla directory.

The Following User Says Thank You to legoman666 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2010
I have tried all these soultions, nothing still works. when i type: apt-get install mp-fremantle-002-pr, i get the cannot find error.

when i type:

sqlite3 /home/user/.mozilla/microb/permissions.sqlite "DELETE FROM moz_hosts WHERE type='geo'" I get nothing.

i get nothing at all.

please help.


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